Chapter One

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I went to Cadenza's cage. She was giving birth to my foal. I smiled contently, yet villainously. As a king, I loved seeing foolish beings suffer. Yet this time was important. I needed this foal to be my heir. Hours later, I put a sleeping spell on Cadenza, picked up the newborn colt, and checked for any type of defects. Nothing. As the colt yawned, he opened his eyes halfway. My eyes widened as me and my son shared gazed. After a moment, I tried not to cry, yet the tears fell anyway. I smiled my best smile in years. A true smile! I held my son close to my face, nuzzling him. "Welcome... Maximus!". I chuckled. Maximus giggled and cooed as he reached for me. I held his hoof. My son was important to me, and... I wouldn't trade him for the world!

I had lost

My son is alone
I'm alone

I'm sorry... My son

He's only a year old
Let me... see him...... one, l-last.........time

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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