Chapter 2-School

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Sana p.o.v
Wow it looks beautiful, ok now wheres the bathroom i need to take a shower asap.

(5 minutes later)

Aha found it i opened the door and the bathroom looks so pretty and they even put shampoo and conditioner here too.

Wow they really do love me.It took about an 1 hour to shower since I don't know how to shower properly. I came out with a towel wrapped around my body and when i looked outside it was already dark

I grabbed my suit case and my new phone then headed upstairs, I opened each door to find a bedroom then when i opened the final door.

S:Yes found it

I walked inside and closed my door I placed my suit case on the bed and opened it.

S:Wow, it sure did get messy in the car ride now to change and organize.

Time Skip

Finally done, why did they buy me so much clothing *groan* im soo tired im going to bed

(Btw this is what sana looks like in PJs)

I fell asleep peacefully not remembering theres school tomorrow

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I fell asleep peacefully not remembering theres school tomorrow

Next Day

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I grabbed it and it was my nurse(1) I picked up the phone trying to sound happy but i was so tired

S: hello

Nurse 1:Sana come down me and the another nurse are outside

S:Ok but what time is it?

Nurse 1:Its 6:11


Nurse 1:Yeah you have to go to school remember now come down its kinda chilly out here

S:Ok coming

I ran downstairs and opened the door

Nurse 2:Oh sana we thought we'd never see you again

S:Me neither

All of us hugged then pulled away

S:Why are you guys here anyway?

Nurse 1:Well we forgot to give you your bookbag

S:You need a bookbag for school? Ughh whyy?

Nurse 2:Now now, yes you need a book bag here and don't worry we already put some supplies

S:Why are you guys like the best

I hugged them one more time

Nurse 1:Ok we have to go now a nurses duty is never done

S:Oh ok thank you guys so much I appreciate it

Nurse 2:Your Welcome

Nurse 1 & 2:GoodBye

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