Phantom memories

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"Stop please!" The woman screamed as Juvia's water slicer destroyed her home. "WHY ARE YOU SO EVIL?!" she stood from the ground where Gajeel had thrown her earlier and readied herself to attack Juvia.

"Drip, drip, drop...there is no point in resisting, Juvia is one of the Element Five and you are nothing...drip, drip, drop." she used water body as the woman threw an lightning spell at her. "Juvia follows have until morning to leave or join Phantom Lord...or die."

"You are cruel, evil, horrible people!" The woman screamed then Juvia hit her with her water nebula and stepped over her fallen frame. " will pay."

"Drip, drip, drop...there is always one think Juvia knows is can't out run the Phantoms...leave...and live or stay and are not Juvia's problem." she spoke coldly as she snapped for her fellow Phantoms to follow her toward their guild hall where master Jose was waiting.

"Well?" the tall pale man spoke. "I heard there was an uproar..."

"Juvia handled it, Master Jose...and we didn't find the brother there...they snuck him away he will be far out of our reach now." Her fellow element five member spoke but Juvia wasn't listening her hands where itching to hit someone after that woman's slurs. "Juvia?"

"Yes?" She looked up to see Gajeel frowning at her. He was the only one who she counted as a friend and equal among this guild. "What?" (AN: I'm not typing drip, drip, drop every time she talks so assume she said it okay? ok.)

"You look like you wanna fight?" he grinned and his red eyes flash but she shook her head and turned toward the door. "What's wrong?"

"Juvia just hopes that woman is still there in the morning..." She looked over at Gajeel who laughed and nodded. "Do you think Fairytale will be a challenge?"

"Nah...we'll crush them but that's not now it'll be a while before the castle is mobilized so we got to crush this town first...get so power house wizards and ruin fairytale." He glared at one of the newer wizards and Juvia chuckled darkly. "What?"

"Master Jose forbade you from attacking any of the new recruits didn't he?" He huffed and nodded in annoyance. "Juvia thinks Gajeel would win..."

"You know it!" He laughed and a collective sigh was heard from the guild that is until Juvia looked at the recruit who was muttering about hating the rain.

"What did you say?" she walked up to the loud mouthed fire wizard. "Juvia must have heard you wrong."

"I said Stupid rain...if we got rid of that rain woman we could train more." he grinned and stood slapping Juvia's umbrella out of her hands. "Did you hear me that time?"

"Hey now...Juvia...?" Gajeel stepped back then dove behind the counter so as not to get caught in her wrath. She unleashed water slicer, water nebula and placed the wizard in a water lock until she was sure he was not going to be a problem any longer. "Anyone else have a problem with the weather we are currently loving?"

"I am impressed, Juvia..." she turned to see Master Jose holding her umbrella and looked at the fallen wizard. "I usually don't condone harming fellow wizards but...he had that one are needed in the dungeon...a prisoner says you are the only one he will speak too."

"Why Juvia?" She frowned but nodded taking her umbrella and turning toward the dungeon. The sound of rain faded the deeper she went into the castle and this was the only time she knew true silence...without rain...without the cold of water on her skin. "Who are you?"

Her eyes were slowly becoming accustom to the dark...but she knew there was a man in the chair across from her by the shape. he was large and powerful she could feel the power radiating off him and asked the one question she was wondering.

"Why are you here, Guildarts?"

"I'm a prisoner..." he was grinning and she knew this was the most dangerous wizard she had ever came across she had met him years ago and seen him in action...she had ran as far from him as she could and to be honest if he was going to fight Phantom Lord...she would run again.

"Juvia knows you could escape...You are here why?"

"I couldn't find you any other way...I heard about you killing that wizard up are not a killer...but that's not why I'm here...I took a Job to protect a kid who's family is being bullied by a guild...Your guild." He was deadly serious. "Tomorrow morning I am going to defend that woman and her son...who I took to fairytale so if you know what's good for you...don't be there."

"Juvia understands." She looked at him and nodded but something about this bugged her. "What happened to your arm?"

"A job gone I going to have to destroy this place or are you going to release me?" He grinned and she sighed knowing the cost of leaving him bond was to high so she released him then scowled. "You are to good to be here...what happened?"

"Juvia is a Phantom here not a Rain woman who is I have power and here I am respected."

"No you are feared...there's a difference."

"Juvia! Are you listening to me?" Juvia was pulled from her memories to see Cana looking at her in annoyance. "What were you thinking about?"

"Just old friends...and old enemies." she whispered as she turned waving to Cana as she entered her apartment in Fairy hills, ignoring the ever present fear that her past would catch up to her.

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