May 30th

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May 30th

May 30, 2011

It was another day of dancing relentlessly until you couldn’t even feel your limps moving.   Luhan and some of the other SM trainees lay on the floor panting. “I think I’m going to die…” gasping for air, Chen complained.

“Here,” the ever older brother-like Kris hands Chen a bottle of water. “And stop exaggerating, it’s not good for you to speak of death so openly right Han?” When Luhan didn’t respond, Kris chucked his bottle at the dazed man.

Feeling something hit his leg, Luhan blinked his eyes a couple times. “Eh?...yeah.” Realizing it was a water bottle that hit him, he took a big gulp of the fluid. “Ge, xie le.”

“Xie sha?”  Kris replied with a smirk.

“Yah! You know the rules, no Chinese! I can’t understand a word you guys are saying.” Whining like a three year old, Chen pouted.

“You do realize once we debut, we’re going to be promoting in China right? It’s the country that speaks Chinese?” Kris refuted back while Luhan just sat there watching.

“Yes, well you guys need to improve on your Korean bef—”

Yah! Stop pushing!” “Where’s the food?” “Where are the presents?” “Shoot! Taeyeon just texted me they’re already in the parking lot!” “Ahhhhhhhhh!

Random shouts from the hallway effectively cut of whatever Chen was going to say. “What’s with the noise?” Tao questioned, while the rest nodded along.

“I heard some of the idols are throwing a surprise party for Yoona-ssi.” The dance trainer answered.

“Jinja?” the young man sitting in the back corner’s eyes widened. Jumping up faster than a leopard pouncing on a prey, Kai rushed to open the door to catch a glimpse of the girl being mentioned. Just as the door was swung open, Luhan was able get a quick look of a girl with her mouth opened as wide as an alligator and another girl who was following closely behind quietly. He had seen enough news to be able to identify the two girls as Yoona and Seohyun.

Seohyun…Strangely he had a sudden desire to see more of the gentle girl that had passed minutes ago.


May 30, 2012

“Hurry hide!” Luhan sighed in exasperation. He really didn’t get the point of hiding. I mean she was bound to know since it seemed like they did it every year. And why was he even here? A sharp tug later, Luhan finds himself crouching behind dozens of balloons with Kai. “Please explain it to me again why I—”

Whatever he was going to say was cut off when the door swung open and the crowd in the stuffed room all jumped up shouting the words, “Happy Birthday!” at the top of their lungs. If it wasn’t for his quick reflexes of blocking his ears, Han could’ve sworn he would’ve gone deaf.

When fellow idols and employees moved for Yoona to walk inside, that was Luhan saw her. The girl/woman he had been following and acting like a crazy fan for. He gulps, suddenly feeling ridiculously parched. What was wrong with him? He had never gotten this nervous before over a girl.

Right when he was finally able to find the courage to approach her, he feels a pat on his shoulder. “Han, we need to introduce ourselves.” Kris explains. Luhan frowns but nonetheless follows his leader close behind.

“EXO, Luhan-iminda.” He bowed, briefly catching the birthday girl’s gaze. “Umm…s—s heng ri ku--kuai le…and nice job on Love Rain.” He mutters the last part out softly and cringes. Could he have been any more awkward? He doubted it, he hadn’t meant to, but somehow his mind had wondered off to the innocent maknae of SNSD. And then the next thing he knew he was stuttering. It wasn’t that he didn’t think Im Yoona wasn’t pretty or talented, he would have to be crazy and maybe gay for him not to think she was beautiful…but to him somehow when Seohyun stood next to her, the face of SNSD seemed sort of plain…and loud.

May 30thWhere stories live. Discover now