Part 1 - Stormee's Old, Young, and NEW Problem

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COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Lynda J. Coker - All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author.

 No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author

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Make My Man Texas-Sized: The Allure of the Alpha Male...

Stormee gawked at the current document title on her laptop screen. What cliff have I jumped off this time? Why hadn't she kept her big mouth shut? This interview assignment would be someone else's headache if she'd just taken a moment to ask what the project entailed before volunteering.

She swiveled her chair and gazed out the tiny window in her office cubicle. The placement of her working space next to the outer wall gave her a coveted view of the outside world. The multicolored Zinnias skirting the walkway that wound itself around her upscale office building gave reason for hope. If they could bloom and thrive despite Houston's triple-digit temperature, surely she could be as tenacious with this assignment.

The pile of unopened boxes stacked under the window aroused more frustration accompanied by a long sigh. Since starting her new job as a staff writer for the Texas-based magazine, Between The Pages, she'd had no time to breathe, much less, organize her reference books and personal gadgets. Where her extensive collection of adorable office gizmos were going to fit was a logistical problem better solved on one of her days off.

Self-reflection was a daily occurrence and one that often left her lamenting her spontaneous personality. Nothing less than a confirmed idiot added to an already over-long list of pending tasks. Wasn't putting up with her sixteen-year-old brother's hostility because she'd moved them from Chicago to Houston enough of a challenge? If not, there was always Nana. Something needed to be done with her eighty-three-year-old grandmother before the nursing home booted her out the door. And what about the extra ten pounds her bathroom scale insisted lurked somewhere on her own traitorous body?

She sucked in a lung full of air, holding it as long as possible before releasing it at a slow, measured rate. The air whistling through her teeth helped set a calmer pace for her thumping heartbeat.

If she kept her focus, was it possible to turn this annoying blunder into a career-enhancing opportunity? Hadn't she landed her dream job, the position of Investigative-Interviewer for Houston's most elite social magazine? With those credentials, she had the right to explore the fringes of an upper-class world of money, power, and prestige previously out of her reach.

She lifted her arms toward the ceiling and stretched three times to relieve the tension tightening her shoulders. What a shame her media ID card hadn't come with a syringe full of good judgment. With a groan, she forced her attention back to the project sheet on her computer.

Make My Man Texas-Sized: The Allure of the Alpha Male...  

Due to her tendency to react rather than reason, her job now hinged on her ability to find one of these infamous alpha males for the three-part series, Make My Man Texas-Sized.

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