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I wanted to break-out from reality,
But can't bunk that easily,
Never really had moved forward,
Still bastille and bridewell in the dark,
Stocked into the wilderness you left me without a word,

I knew, I never was meant for you,
You gave me a mouthful and it became my anchor,
I'm sorry, to be still trapped in the past,

My bad to remember and can't forget,
Trying to redeem "US" with the thought that my love would be enough,
That my care, my trust and my heed would be enough to be shared by both,
What's worst is, it wasn't and will never be,

I'm always yours to begin with but, you'll never be mine and never became my property,
Guess I had to end it here, me hiding myself into the meadow,
Walking just with my shadow,
Until the sun for me will set again and be fairly well to smile once more.

Darkest rays (A collection of Poems)Where stories live. Discover now