chapter 1

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"SHIT I'm late for work" I look at the time while taking my keys. Well I guess you don't know me, well my name is Lexie Johnson,I work as a assistant, personal assistant. I'm a sexy,curvy taupe girl with thick brown long hair and grey eyes just imagine me okay? I run out of my house forgetting to lock the door I had to turn around and lock it then run to start my car and let it warm up a little then I could "I'm so late, I'm so late Darren's gonna kill me,I'm so late" I say in a song as I get out. I lock my car and run to the building as I run I bumped into  a hot sexy bodyguard "are you blind,you stupid kid" "I'm not a kid okay I work you,you..." "Lexie you're late again!" I turn around to see Darren with his bodybuilder body. He comes inbetween  me  and the bodyguard "Jake go and get my latte and you come with me" I turn to Jack and stick my tongue out he gritted his teeth I turn to Darren who,is folding his hands and walking fast and we get to his office and he goes and take a seat when he settles he puts his right leg on left leg sometimes I think he just proposed to Emily to prove he isn't gay. "Lexie Johnson this is your third time being late maybe I should fire you huh? Please tell me what I should do with you since I got engaged with Emily you are coming to work late is it because?" He smirks and I shake my head, no,no!! I don't love him he is the last person I will ever love in my entire life. "Anyway let us get back to work cause tomorrow morning the circuit managers are coming" "yes Mr Amit"

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