| T-Rex x Velociraptor - New Friend |

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Requested by SuperCuteFuntimeFoxy


The buildings were destroyed, the ground scattered with debri of bricks and wood, and all that was left was the T-Rex, Blue, the humans, and well...... me.

The Indominus was gone, finally after a long battle that cost the lives of three of my siblings. And yet, it was silent.

I stood beside Blue, the only sister I have left, as the Tyrannosaurus Rex stood before us. Her body was covered in new and old scars from probably old battles and when the Indominus was able to get a few hits in.

She looked down at us as we looked back up. We were enemies. It was always like that. And yet, here we stood after fighting along side each other.

I knew Blue thought the same as I, that she would probably turn on us, but she didn't. Instead, she nodded at us and walked away.

Disappearing from my sight.

Blue walked over to the humans that fought along side us, including our alpha and his mate.

I don't really know if the red headed female was our alpha's mate or not since they sometimes don't act like it, but maybe they are.

I finally decided to follow Blue and I walked over to them as well. There was also two other males that both looked young, but the youngest one kept staring at me in awe.

I looked over at the boy till my focus was on my alpha as he caressed my head and I purred into his touch. He soon took his hand off of me and I looked over at Blue.

Blue looked back at empty pavement road as I looked back at our alpha. I already knew he knew what we asked him and he soon nodded.

Blue and I looked at each other then back at the others till we ran off and disappeared from their sight.


I found myself laying against a cool rock as Blue went off to either explore or hunt. It's been a few days since the fight and since me or Blue seen the T-Rex.

And I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I growled and got up as I decided to walk around somewhere. It was the best feeling to finally be outside of the paddock me and my siblings were raised in. I mean even though it was nice seeing our alpha each day, it was boring to see the same things and just run around in circles while trying to catch a pig.

Which I quickly learned we were never going to catch that stupid pig.

I growled at myself again as I continued to walk in a random direction. I knew if Blue came back and didn't find me, she could easily just follow my scent and know where I was, so I wasn't scared of being lost or of Blue never finding me.

As I walked, I continued to think about a certain large reptile. I don't know why I was thinking about her or why it bothered me that I haven't seen her again, but it just did.

I didn't know where the T-Rex went, I just know she's somewhere on the island.

I was about to turn back around and go back to where Blue would most likely be at by now, but a loud roar quickly stopped me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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