suicidal ramblings

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i hate school
i hate life
i'm having another breakdown
my parents are pitying me too much
i don't
like it
goddamn it
why am i such a dumbass?
my family is treating me like a fragile little child
it's like if they say something they'll make me shatter
but newsflash:
i'm already fucking broken
i don't appreciate the condescending voices they use to talk to me
fuck that
i'm not completely stupid
i'm just fucking mental
i know that
there's no reason for you to rub it in my face
i already fucking know
i feel like nobody actually gives a fuck
i cut myself again
i'm sorry
i don't like it any more than you do
just leave me alone
i wish i didn't hate myself
but guess what?
i fucking do
i wish i was dead
the world would be better if i was dead
maybe i should try to fucking kill myself
it'll be good for everyone
nobody would give a shit
i don't give a shit
i wish i was fucking dead
god-fucking-damn it
everyone hates me
i swear everyone fucking hates me
i hate me
i'm the worst fucking person alive
i'm a piece of shit
i'm not okay
nobody knows that i would rather be dead than do anything
i don't fucking know what to do
i just don't know
i'm so tired
i'm sad and lonely
my friends don't like me
they have other friends
i don't blame them
i would have other friends too
goddamn it i am going to fucking kill myself
i don't know what else to fucking do
please just let me die

ramblings of a garbage poetWhere stories live. Discover now