Hello Fellow Wattpadians

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Welcome all to my very first published book here on Wattpad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First things first, the fact that you are reading this right now brings my non existant stone cold heart unimaginable joy at the fact that you cared enough to read this and that you found this book. Is it fate? you never know * makes weird spooky noises * . Anyway, It ultimately means that i already LOVE U (/^.^)/ .

random person : careful there, you're gonna choke on shit. lol.

me: you lil bi- shut the fuck up carl.

OK . I would apologize for that but Potatos gonna Potate *does liza twerk*

Second of all, this is not the first book i've written on Wattpad i just didn't publish them and i don't think i will to be honest. But that's not why you're here so on to the actual book stuff;


'Sovereign Queen' is about an exceptionally trained warrior, Astrid Levane who just happens to be the daughter of a very wise witch in hiding, Anikka Levane . She lives in an abandoned building transformed into a hideout right out of your wildest dreams with her mother and other damaged supernaturals, given shelter and refuge in exchange for their loyalty and training.

Astrid surprisingly showed no signs of magic in her early years to her mother's relief. For creatures of the magical race were once involved in a war between all other races causing most all witches to be burned at the stake. After humans were reduced to the bottom of the food chain due to the third world war that ultimately destroyed civilization, or at least the civilization created by the humans because the supernatural creatures were quick to bounce back and take control of whatever was left . Bloodshed followed as the races struggled to be at the top of the food chain. The celestial beings swore their severance from their children and watched the violence play out.

The vampires swiftly took control and gained the prideful place position that is the top of the food chain with the werewolves close after then the elves, witches, demons ,sirens , fairies. After the humans were terminated the vampire King, Cain Lutheran took an unwilling witch as his wife, causing the witches to plague as many vampires as possible with curses that tormented them for most of their immortal lives. Cain Lutheran infuriated as he was started a witch hunt. sparing non. not even his then wife, Eliana Lutheran.

The Werewolves supported Cain in this and they were soon after followed by the sirens then the elves. The remaining races opposed the tyrant King for they loathed his manipulative and destructive ways and saw this as an opportunity to end him and forcefully strip the vampires of their title as the top dogs. The witches accepted this help and together they fought in the war waged by the vampires.

The races fought fervently for their cause but the war was over at the start because the vampires were for sure going to come out on top as they always were and always would be because what they didn't know was Cain had a secret he swore he would carry to his grave.

The witches hunted down and killed were erased from the earth ending the war. The races in favor of the witches were to submit and accept the king as their sovereign or face the same fate as the witches.The latter was a choice made by non as mass extinction of their race was not a wise path to follow.

What Astrid Levane did have was an ever growing inky energy that seemed to not just follow her but was one with her. She had ridiculously long, straight raven black hair that matched her pitch black eyes and her body fully toned and statuesque as a warrior's should be brought about a dark and positively evil aura felt by all who knew her . And with her cold and calculating exterior she was the definition of lethal and all things venomous. She seemed to hold so much power, but how could she, she was only human. Or so she thought.


How was that for a first book : )...........no really tell me, i want your feed back.

Bye you lovely Potatos and humans, feel free to leave a comment and please vote,i promise i'll let u have some of my fries

.......nope still not doing that.

Love you all <3 ; )

Sovereign QueenWhere stories live. Discover now