Chapter 1: The Assassin, Baffled

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Salisbury Plains

Ezio awoke to a sensation of wind blowing across his face. He opened his eyes and found himself lying in the grass, looking up at a bright, crystal-clear sky. The man sat up and looked around him. He was in the center of the familiar, circular, post-and-lintel structure. It almost seemed like deja vu, until he felt around for the Apple of Eden. All of a sudden, he remembered that he had locked the Apple away in the vault, or, at least, he hoped he had done so.

How did I get here...? I do not have the Apple in my possession.

The Italian slowly stood up and gazed at his surroundings. Indeed, he was not in Roma anymore. Far from it. He looked at the shadows that were cast by the sun on the posts of Stonehenge.

If I find Nicholas, maybe I can figure out what is going on here. I better do it soon, before the night arrives.

Determined, Ezio marched through the grassy plains and into the woods, hoping that he had not missed much in this country.


West Templeton

As Ezio walked down the path from the woods to the town, he noticed that many of the coaches were headed to the large inn down the street. The sun was already setting, painting the sky a gradient of red and violet. Noblemen and middle-class folks were climbing out of their coaches and making their way into the inn. The Italian looked down at his own robes and saw, to his dismay, that he was wearing his Assassin garb, which, during this time, was certainly out of fashion. Nevertheless, he snuck into the inn, having little time to spare to change into Victorian clothing.

When the man stepped into the inn, he saw that everyone was dancing and drinking wine. They were having a country ball. All of the women donned their best gowns and the men their finest suits. They danced to the small band of local musicians, whose talent knew no bounds. Ezio curiously regarded the event. He had never experienced or witnessed such a gathering before.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" a large gentleman in an olive green suit inquired. Ezio turned and noticed the charm that held up the man's crisp, white cravat. The Assassin Insignia shone bright in its silver grace and beauty. It was made to look like a Coat of Arms of this gentleman's family.

"No, but it seems as though we are brothers. Do you know Mr. Nicholas Darby? The gentleman from Darbyshire?" Ezio was rather surprised that he could still remember most of his English.

"Oh my, you've not heard?" the gentleman uttered a little quieter.

Ezio tensed. He was not ready to hear any bad news. He had just arrived in Great Britain, and already, complications arose.

"What happened?"

"Let's talk outside, old chap. We haven't seen each other in forever. How was your trip back home?" the gentleman verbalized quite loudly as he gestured for Ezio to make his way outside. The Italian nodded, and the two of them made their way through the crowd and found their way back at the entrance of the inn. The only people who were out at this time were the occasional drunks, passing by in a tipsy manner.

"I'm sorry to have to bring you outside like this. Ever since the disappearance of Master Darby and the ransacking of Darbyshire, we Assassins had to lie low until things settled down again."

"Then why are you wearing the insignia so openly?"

"I'm not afraid. I'm ready to die for the Creed."

"You are breaking two of the tenets of the Creed, already. You are lucky that you have not been killed by a Templar yet."

"... I guess you're right, then." The gentleman guiltily put away his pendant.

"I understand that you wish to support the Assassins, especially at a time like this, but it is also important to honor the Creed, even when Master Darby is not around," Ezio admonished in a calm, collected tone.

"Right..." the gentleman sighed.

"You must be new," Ezio commented.

"You are right again, good sir."

"Now, is whatever happened to Master Darby recent?"

"Oh, yes! Quite right! You see, Master Darby had told me, right before he disappeared a few months ago, that he needed to attend to some business in London. Then, as soon as he left, the Assassins here in West Templeton saw smoke coming from the direction of Darbyshire. We quickly rode to Darbyshire, only to find it being burned down by the Templars. We fought as best as we could, but many of our fellow brethren died trying to fend off those bloody Templars."

"Did they manage to find the Assassin Library?"

"There was an Assassin Library in Darbyshire?"

Bene; even this man does not know.


"Well, from what I gathered of the Templars retreating, especially after we Assassins fought to protect the manor, they did not find what they were looking for. Not all of the rooms were badly singed, but the damage was significant enough that when we tried to correspond with Master Darby, he never returned a reply or even a sign of his well-being. We are all worried that he's dead, or even worse..."

"I have a feeling he is not dead yet. I also know that he would never betray the Assassins after what he has experienced prior to all of this."

"You mean to say that you knew Master Darby personally?"

The Italian smirked.

"I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Nicholas claims to be my greatest, most passionate, and enthusiastic admirer."

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