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   "Honey, you are going to be late for play practice if you don't wake NOW!!!" My mom yelled from across the house probably waking up the entire neighborhood. It was 4 o'clock in the FLAPPER DOODLE MORNING, but I love to act. My hazel eyes took in about 1000 times of light at once as I began to wake up. I ever so gently took my blanket and slide it off my body.
   My skin now was exposed to cool air that was waiting for me to wake up. I shivered but pushed to move my sleeping legt foot. I finally got my foot off the memory foam mattresses and into the oak wood floor. The sharp pains of the cold wooden floor run up my leg and through my spine. I then go through the same thing with my right foot. Now was the time to place pressure upon the warriors of the morning floor. "Sorry, righty and lefty" I say as I then place 110 pounds upon them.
   I find my fluffy grey wolf slippers a centimeter away from where I placed my feet. I groaned as I placed them on my feet and walked towards the door. My hand touched the door knob and held " SWEET HOLY WATER." I swear I heard someone cursing me out. I laughed and opened the door into the hallway. I began to walk towards the laundry room when I turned the corner and I STUBBED MY PINKY TOE.
   I gave a shout and fell to the floor and wished for time to stop. I then looked around hoping for the wish to come true but sadly nothing happened. I limped to the laundry room and was able to find my white tights. I took them to my room and saw my favourite black dress and took it off the clothed hanger and placed it on my bed along with the tights. I then unchanged from my pjs and into that outfit. I found my black high heel boots with 2 buckles and placed them on my feet. I then exited my room brushing my hair until I reached kitchen. My brush feel to the ground as I shouted "MOM!"
   My mom was there flipping a pancake that was frozen in the air until I wondered what happened then it came back down. "Well, that was fast." She commented as if nothing big just happened.I looked at the time and it was 4:13 am. My mom placed the pancake on a paper plate as she gave it to me and said, "you can actually eat in the morning."
   I took my plate and walked over to the marble counter that held the syrup. Along the way my voices kept telling me to stay home and figure this out but I love school and the voices know that (except Beth she likes to be a rebel). I reached the counter and suddenly felt sick like I was going to puke all over the counter. So I did and it was not fun. My voices won though I did stay home but something happened

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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