( FIFTY ! )

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you help them after they get injured

-whines a lot
-"please don't spray something that's going to make it burn!" "finn i'm trying to help you, it's going to burn!"
-he takes a nap after
-when he wakes up he thanks you

-try's to act like a manly man
-he obvi fails
-"y/n please do thiS FASTER!"
-after he lays on the couch and just contemplates his life choices
-"thanks." "mhm."

-"why does this happen to me?" "because you're fragile." "i aM NOT!"
-he holds your hand as you're spraying disinfecting spray
-he thanks you

-"jae are you okay?" "yeah why?" "you have a huge gash on your leg." "WHAT?!"
-the world may never know how he didn't feel any pain
-"i thought it was going to hurt." "me too..?"

-"y/n i got a huge cut on my arm." "what, i don't see it- oH MY GOD!"
-she was in so much pain that she was calm?
-you on the other hand weren't
-after you helped her you put a movie on to calm her but mostly yourself down

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