Chapter Twelve

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Mike, Sage, and I walked back into the building. I was pretty sure Sage was just going to go back to wherever he was staying after dropping me off, but since the attack happened, none of us felt safe alone. I was anxious to see what the guys would think of the situation and how much Mike actually wanted to tell them, as they didn't know he loved me. I let Mike enter first and the moment I walked through the door, I felt myself surrounded by eight arms, all trying to pull me towards them. Even though recent events were harsh on my brain, I found myself giggling at my fellow band members.

"Chester!" Phoenix greeted me happily after they freed me from their group hug.

"Don't worry, they did that to me too when I came in," Mike chuckled and Sage stood awkwardly next to him, clearly unsure what to say.

"Guys, this is Sage," I introduced him to help ease him into the madness that is Linkin Park.

"Like the plant?" Joe asked, bringing a laugh to Sage's lips.

"Sure, it's a pleasure to meet all of you," He smiled kindly and I loved how charming he was straight away with the band.

"Really? Including Joe?" Brad teased, earning a playful smack from Joe.

"I don't mean to pry, but what happened to your head?" Rob asked softly, as usual, being the quietest of us all. Sage gave him a reassuring smile that told him he didn't mind the question, but looked between Mike and I to see if he should explain.

"Um, that actually brings me to what I wanted to talk about with you guys, considering we need the help," Mike spoke and I was surprised, but still unsure how much he'd spill. I wasn't sure if he'd say anything about his love for me to them because he told me to be with Sage and I still haven't gotten to talk him out of feeling guilty yet. "Chester, want to start with how you know Sage?"

"Sure, he's my ex boyfriend," I said simply and watched their expression turn to that of confusion. They knew about my sexual orientation, but seemed puzzled by the fact that my ex was hanging around me. "It's not like it ended badly, don't give me that look, we're just friends."

"As of now," Mike muttered quietly in a sad tone that went unheard of by everyone except me.

"Mike, please-"

"We need to tell them what happened at the bar," He interrupted before I could continue. I bit my lip and nodded, letting him have the honors of sharing that horrible fucking event.

"What happened? It has something to do with Sage's head?" Joe asked with concern.

"Chester, Sage, and I went to the bar nearby and... well, Sage and I started fighting, so Chester went to have a couple drinks to himself and this guy drugged him, but we were too overheated from the argument to notice until he was in the middle of... it," He didn't want to say it either, which I understood. I was grateful that he was telling the guys instead of me.

"Wait, are you telling me that Chaz was...?" Brad trailed off, also clearly afraid of the word. I was getting a little sick of everyone being as afraid as I was of it, we shouldn't be giving it so much power.

"Yes! Okay?! I was raped," I snapped in irritation and sighed sadly afterwards, feeling bad for getting angry, but when I looked around, all I saw were sad eyes.

"Don't feel bad for getting mad, you have every right to be angry," Phoenix reassured me and I gave him a sad smile.

"Thank you, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for anything, Chaz," Sage said softly from behind me, gently putting a hand on my shoulder that relaxed me almost instantly.

"Anyway, the guy who did it left the cut on Sage's forehead and attacked him when he dropped Chester off at the studio," Mike finished and the guys seemed scared.

"He attacked him knowing he was with Chester?" Rob asked fearfully as Sage nodded.

"It appeared that way. Mike and I are going to go to the police station to report him tomorrow. Chaz, do you remember what that guy looked like? See if I missed any details on him that could help us catch him?"

"Um, no. Honestly, I don't remember what he looked like, I locked up," I sighed, feeling bad that I couldn't even help identify the creep.

"Oh, well that's okay, I saw him enough, I think. Cold, dark eyes - brown, I think - not exactly skinny, chubby, or muscular, just sorta in between, long, black, shaggy hair, gross..." Sage described him, but it didn't ring a bell. I must've pushed it all away already, but how could anyone blame me? It's not the first time someone's done this to me and according to Sage and the way that stranger's been acting, it won't be the last.

"I'm so sorry, Chester," Brad said and I felt his arms around me and gradually, Phoenix, Rob, and Joe joined, giving me another group hug. They were always there for me, my family, I loved them so much. "You don't deserve any of this."

"Where are you going to go when Sage and Mike are talking to the police?" Phoenix asked, the hug breaking off.

"Stay in my apartment, keep it locked," I shrugged and saw Mike about to object. "Don't. I don't want to hear it. I'll be fine."

"Okay, but I'm staying with you until I go and I'm making sure your door is locked on my way out," Mike insisted and I nodded, being okay with that, it'd give us time to talk. I hadn't stayed with Mike that long before, I was excited about it. Sage had slept over a few times, but never Mike.

"That's fine," I gave him a soft smile, which he hesitated before returning. I hope he doesn't think that just because he told me to be with Sage, that I'd let him go that easily and give up on what we could've had. I know he still loves me and I still love him, therefore our drama isn't over and won't be until we figure this thing out. "But I'm pretty beat, can we go now?"

"Sorry we didn't get around to working on new music, guys," Mike apologized.

"Don't apologize, this was a family meeting, not a band meeting," Brad laughed and the others circled Mike and I to give us another hug. I'd say I was overwhelmed by the affection, but I wasn't, I loved their hugs. "We love you guys, okay? Stay safe. And, Chaz, if anything happens while they're gone, call us. I mean it."

"Okay, I will, I will, we love you guys too," I smiled as they pulled away and I looked Sage in the eye, seeing the sadness laying beyond them. He was probably going to ask to stay with me again, but now wouldn't because of Mike. It was his turn anyway to stay with me though, so I tried to not let the guilt eat me.

"Come on, Sage, I'll give you a ride back to where you're staying," Mike offered and Sage was about to reject him. "I won't let you say no, there's someone out there that's out to hurt you, come on."

"Okay," He caved in a soft murmur and followed us out of the studio. I felt horrible for everyone getting caught up in this.

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