Chapter 1 Blood Money

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© The Copyright Act 1956, The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Chapter 1 *Blood Money*

Zero stood there waiting for his best friend to show up. He looked down at his watch then back up.

"Where the fuck is this nigga," he said as he mumbled under his breath.

He was dressed in all black head to toe. Zero's real name was Desmond. The dim streetlight reflected off his brown skin. He was clean cut, had extremely light brown eyes and was indeed a handsome young man. He was only 18 years old. Zero also possessed and athletic build and a small scar that rested on his neck from a knife fight. He stood there and pondered how he ended up in the drug game at a tender age, but he realized he had to get it how he could . Being enslaved in a white mans world was what he loathed. When he was young he witnessed his father kill his mother, then turn the gun on himself. Zero ran the streets everyday not knowing how he would eat or where he would sleep then at the age 19 he met Jaylen and the two became their own hustle.

After five minutes of waiting he saw Jay sneak up around the corner along with Trell, with both of them also dressed in black.

"Took you long enough motherfucker," Zero said jabbing Jay in his shoulder playfully.

"I was waiting on this little nigga" Jay replied referring to Trell.

Zero looked at Trell to size him up. Shockingly he didn't sense any fear coming off the young boy. Zero couldn't help but to think he reminded him of himself when he was young and running the streets.

"I gave the young blood an opportunity if this what he wanted do so fucking badly,"Jay said as he put his black ski mask on.

"Ight", Zero replied as he and Trell put their ski masks on.

Jay took out an electric screw driver to get the large vent open so that they could sneak into the house, unnoticed.

The three boys crept through the large warehouse and saw several armed men. They kept it moving, making their way towards the basement. Jay made his way down the stairs first, while the other two waited for a clear signal.

Jay looked and saw a couple of topless women counting money, it was quiet. Jay tried to think of how they would pull this off with minimal to no noise. He then saw one of the girls making their way towards the steps. She walked down the dark hallway, and turned her back to open a supply closet that had guns and ammunition. Jay saw this as the perfect opportunity. He snuck up on her so quick she didn't have time to turn around. He grabbed a handful of her hair, forcefully pulling her close to him.

"I'm not trying to hurt you ma, but I won't hesitate to do so if you scream."

The girl smashed her eyes shut and swallowed hard.

"Are we clear" Jay whispered in her ear as she nodded her head.

He turned around and gave Zero the signal as they made their way down the hallway. Jay loosened his grip slightly on the girl, but still maintained a firm hold. Once they were in the room, the boys got the surprise of their life when they saw five armed guards in the space. Jay quickly dropped the girl and sprung into action. He shot one guard in the chest before he could even notice. Zero slid under the table as the other goons opened fire. He began shooting them in the legs, to gain the advantage. Meanwhile Trell became to trigger happy and started shooting everything walking, including some of the girls.

"Nigga don't drop too many unnecessary bodies," Zero told him.

"Get the shit!" Jay shouted just above a whisper.

Sinful Angels (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora