Chapter 1: Isolated

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(Archaia pov)
Its been 5 years since we have seen another human being. This sucks! Theres nothing to do in here but look through the portholes. I think Octavia is going Crazy. She keeps talking about food even though the masters made it so we dont need food. She keeps pacing the room saying she feels like that. And worse of all she says that she is loosing her memory! Even though i am younger than her, i know when someone is going crazy. Maybe she was so used to Adam, she cant live without it. Maybe this will all wear off by the end of the Year. Oh wait, I cant read a clock.

(Octavia pov)
I dont know whats wrong with me. I still feel like I need adam, but i dont. I wonder if any of those Protectors the Masters where talking about so many years ago are real. I remember when Master Tennenbaum was talking about a Protector that was helping her escape. After that she said she would come back for us. Well, its been 5 damn months since she told us that and no sign of her or the other masters. Ive been sneaking Eve through the cracks in the Wall. Even though im 12 i could fit through them. So much delicious Eve. Does eve have the same effects as Adam. I dont know. Anyway, maybe its just going to my head.

(Archaia pov)
Today there was something outside our door, there was a loud moaning sound. Then heavy footsteps, followed by a light under the door. The light was Bright Yellow, Firefly yellow. Then a loud sound almost sounding like a explosion. Me and sister hid in the back of the room when the light turned red. We ran so fast we almost broke the glass of our back wall. The light disappeared as more of the explosions rang through the air. Then a sound almost like a train starting up also sounded. Then there were screams as whatever the thing was tore the other things apart. Then the engine stopped as the yellow light appeared again. Suddenly, there were 3 loud knocks at the door. I looked over at sister. She was injecting a eve hypo! "Octavia what the hell are you doing!" i said in an Angry voice. She payed no attention as she got up and held a fireball on her hand. She walked slowly to the metal door. Then with brute strength, the thing rammed the door. Octavia stopped as if she instantly regretted her decision. She held her hand toward the door. The thing rammed the door again which knocked off the lights in front of the door. Sisters hand started to shake with fear. We waited for the third blow. We where prepared for anything.....except nothing. Then the engine sound roared through the halls of the city. The thing waited a minute and then rammed whatever was making the engine sound into the door with full force. Something burst through the middle of the door. It almost looked like a nail or......a drill. When the drill pulled out, the yellow light illuminated the hole. The door fell with such a sound you could hear it in Arcadia. What stood in its place was a large figure. It had 8 lights on its face....or head or whatever it was. Its drill dripped with blood. It had 2 tanks on its back. It was so large even my couragous sister fell back in horror. We quivered with fear in the corner as the figure just stood there for an eternity. It took a few steps toward us and just......held out its hand. "What the hell. " my sister muttered to herself. I reached out for the hand. Today, I wonder how I was so damn stupid. Its hand was made out of Cold medal and cloth fabric. I stood up. My sister grabbed my hand and followed.

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