operation scare y/n

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Y/n was the level-headed one. Shane was always joking, Ryan was usually scared, but she... she was smart.

Problem one, she was smart.

She knew what she had to do all the time to keep the ghoul boys in check and used evidence to rule out True Crime and paranormal investigations. Which leads to the next point.

Problem two, because she's smart, she doesn't scare easy. At all.

When Shane pointed this out to Ryan on Tuesday, Ryan gave him a look. "Why do you care so much? It's her job." He said, turning bad to editing. "Yeah... Okay but listen. I wanna scare her before next Wednesday. You in?" Ryan laughed. "That's so stupid! You're on. Ten bucks you can't." He challenged. Shane got a devious grin.

Problem two, the boys didn't work Saturday, she did and took Monday off.

That put two days off where Shane couldn't spook her. When Ryan brought this point, Shane leaned back and brought a pen to his chin in thought. "No biggie, I can still do this." He shrugged, dismissing Ryan. "You don't want an extra day?" He teased. Y/n snuck between them. "What are we talking about?" She whispered. Shane flinched and Ryan jumped. She laughed and set two coffee cups down. "Tea and coffee." She informed, giving the boys their respective drinks. Shane took the drink and sipped it. "I don't know. Spooky stuff." Y/n hit his shoulder and Ryan groaned.

That's what Shane would say when he didn't want to share or had no answer. Y/n was a good friend in the sense that she would never push him to talk. "Alright, well, I've been listening to the 'Axeman's Jazz'," She did jazz hands. "And it is surprisingly good. Really good. Think I'll make a dance for it." Y/n joked. Shane grinned. "It is quite good, murder makes great music." Ryan laughed at his female friends expression to this.

"Sounds like you're listening to the screams of the damned." And she left to return to her desk.


Sara easily found out about this and approched the ghost hunter during her lunch. "Did you hear the bet about you?" She asked, leaning against her friend's desk. Y/n perked up at this, abandoning her sandwich. "Mm no?" Sara grinned. "Shane and Ryan made a bet. If Shane can scare you by next Wednesday, Ryan gives him ten." The purple-haired girl explained. Y/n narrowed her e/c eyes. "I don't want either to win. How do I win?" She asked. Sara snorted. "Just steal both of their bets." And she left nonchalantly.


The first thing the ghoulfriends noticed when they walked in was Y/n in Shane's chair with her feet on Ryan's. "Boys." She looked at them, hands intertwined in front of her like a James Bond villian. "I have a preposition. You both give me ten dollars if I can scare you both-- here's the catch-- while recording." She smirked. Ryan glanced at his tall friend, who had a quirked eyebrow. "..Okay.." He didn't question where she got the information because she wasn't a sellout. Y/n looked at Ryan for his answer expectantly. "Sure." He shrugged. The female got up and grinned. "Pleasure doing business." And skipped off. "That was weird." Ryan pointed out how pleased she was. Shane squinted. "Shady." He dragged out the Y.


As a smart girl would, Y/n started her plan right away. They had post-mortems Sunday which would work excellently, so she talked to a close friend who worked in movie make-up and the friend said eyes are the scariest. Who likes or finds it interesing to watch something painful happen to an eye? This was good and all, but how would the woman sneak in without them noticing first...


Y/n loved post-mortems. The chance to sass the boys while talking with fans. Perfect. And this was a great chance. Of course both men would assume she'd wait before scaring them, but she had a great plan and couldn't wait.

The mannequin. Everyone hated it. But right now, the girl loved it.

"Y/n! Hurry!" Shane yelled as the cameras turned on. "One second!" She yelled just as loud.

Ryan introduced the episode as Y/n entered. They didn't look back at her. "Sorry, hi everyone!" Her voice was muffled. Both men looked back at the same time. She had the mannequin head over hers, a hoodie pulled up to keep it in place. The crew laughed, but the boys didn't get scared. "Laaame." Shane plucked the head out, causing the hoodie to fall over Y/n's face. Ryan laughed, "That was an attempt." Y/n shrugged, not moving the hoodie. Ryan flicked it up and it feel into place, revealing gory makeup.

((GORE (makeup) BELOW!!!!!!!))

((GORE (makeup) BELOW!!!!!!!))

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Simple enough, a gouged eye. Took about two hours to have a friend do.

Ryan fell out of his chair and Shane literally jumped up and away from his colleague. Y/n laughed and pumped her fist in the air. "Gimmie my money bitches!" Ryan stood up but didn't sit. "Wipe that off first!" He scolded.

When she returned, she had a red mark around her eye from the makeup, causing endless teasing from Shane. But she got her twenty dollars, which made up for it.

By next Wednesday, she returned at their desks with coffee and tea. "How does it feel to suck on camera?" She said smugly. Ryan shooed her while Shane complained and she went cackling to Sara about their saltiness.

The fandom loved you.

((this is.... not good(tm) but i like the idea of the boys gettin rekt by the reader so,))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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