I made a new friend

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Ok so.
I sing in the Candlelight choir. Basically, I sing at Disney with a whole bunch of other people. Anyway, while singing, you have to wear this yellow robe and collar that makes you look kinda like a glittering lion. While getting my robe, there were these Disney helpers standing by the doors telling people where to go.

"Hey, little girl, that way."
"You, uhhh...girl with the glasses."
"Girls come this way."

Haha yaaaaayyyyyy. Misgendering is fun. I fucking love dysphoria.

So walked to the line that had my height range and waited to get my robe. A very pretty girl came over to help me out. She had kinda long brown hair and was super cute.

"What's your height sweetheart?"

The deepest baritone voice I had heard in a while came out. I felt this happy feeling inside knowing that someone like her was here. I snapped out of my fanboy state and answered in the deepest voice I could because I'm trying to train my voice to be lower before I get testosterone. "5 3'." She smiled and nodded. "Collars are over there...sir." She winked and I had the stupidest grin on my face for the rest of the day.

Not only was I happy to have met her but I was happy to know that Disney was so open minded as I saw her name tag and saw her (possibly) preferred name.

This just made me super happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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