Clap and a... HEY!

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Stephanie smirked as an idea popped into her head.

She and Matthew were in their kitchen, enjoying a rarity: free time.

He was looking at his phone, trying to think of a witty comment to tweet when she reached up towards his face, the sleeves of the sweatshirt she had taken from him dangling over her hands, and clapped.

Matthew looked up in surprise, an adorable expression on his face, "Ah! Steph..!"

Stephanie laughed and did it again.

He shot her a mock glare as she grinned up at him, "Steph, if you do that again-"

He was cut off by another muffled, yet loud, clap.

Before his wife could react, Matthew reached out and picked her up around the waist. He walked over to the living room couch, still holding Stephanie whilst she squeaked in protest and eventually surrendered. 

"Okay, okay... put me down!"

Matthew obliged, placing her gently down on the couch before bending down to kiss her on the head, where then her arms reached around Matthew and pulled him onto the couch with her.

Stephanie smirked once more as her husband laid his head on her in a Skip-like way, "I win."

AN: I know it was short, but it was based on something that happened between my friend and her boyfriend (they are almost as adorable as Matt and Steph) and I just had to write this. I hope you liked it!

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