Merry Kiss-mas

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Matthew snickered to himself as he hung the last mistletoe underneath the bathroom door. He had put up twenty-three in all.

He was gonna get a lot of kisses.

Stephanie woke up, Matthew's dent in the bed beside her. It was Christmas morning and she was too tired to wonder what her husband was up to.
She yawned as she got up and walked out the bedroom and gasped, surprised, as hands grasped her shoulders.

She looked up at Matthew as he lovingly gazed at her and whispered, " Merry Christmas, darlin'," before he leaned in for a kiss.

Stephanie smiled, "Merry Christmas to you too, ya doof." Matt laughed softly before she continued with childlike glee, "Now let's go open presents!"

And at that suggestion, the Patricks raced down the stairs to the living room where there was a giant tree with presents underneath. Their joy filled the air, and it no longer seemed like they were two thirty/thirty-one-year-olds who've been married for five-and-a-half years. They were, for just this moment, children. Best friends for ten years, laughing at each other as they opened gifts and Skip lay on wrapping paper that had been carelessly tossed to the side.

Stephanie's stomach growled, and Matthew decided that was his cue to give the last gift.

Wordlessly, he walked over about fifteen feet to their kitchen, where Matthew opened the oven and took out a plate of pancakes that he had cooked while Stephanie was sleeping.

"Y'know, you're supposed to cook them on a griddle, not in the oven. But they look good anyway." She teased.

After they had eaten, Stephanie insisted they go about their normal routine of Christmas movies. Matthew, however, wanted to play with Skip, if they could find where he went.

"Let's go on an adventure to save Princess Skip, who's been kidnapped by the evil Bowser, wait that's from Mario, um... the evil Christmowser! 'Cause that's totally a cool villain name." He exclaimed.

Stephanie decided to play along, "And we, the heroes of Tryrule, must save the Princess before Christmowser destroys the kingdom with snow!"

Matt played Celtic music to set the mood of their quest. The two gallantly checked every room. Every room also just happened to have mistletoe.

Steph got suspicious around the eighth room, and once they checked the twelfth room, she refused to give Matthew anymore kisses.

"But, m'lady, I must collect all the kisses so that we can save Tryrule with the power of love!"

She still refused, "I'm sorry, m'lord, but I must refill my kisses meter by going and watching Pride and Prejudice."

And with that, their adventure ended at the couch. Where Skip just happened to be.

"The Princess is safe!" They yelled at the same time.

Stephnie stood on the tips of her toes to kiss her husband before sitting down to watch her favorite movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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