Best Friend's Brother (Bromance or not) Book1

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"We're best of friends, Nobody's got your back like your brother" -Dan 

Hi I'm Daniel James Garcia, you can call me Dan for short, i have a brother and his name is Josh...

Me and Josh are best friends since we're little and also i have a girlfriend and her name is Christina you can call her Chris for short.... 

One Morning Chris and I are going out... 

Hey bro 

Hey...woah you look....wait for it....Dashing....


Where are you going? 

Going out 

With who? Let me it Chris 


I knew it.... you're going out with Chris....AGAIN 

Why....don't you like chris for me.... 

I like her for you, it's just that.... 




Oh, Chris texted me....What an awkward face by me 

What??? what did she say? 

she, she....she can't make it for our date..... 


I think i better go to my room...see you later 

See you...yes...chris can't make it to their date.... YES!!!!...Oh! Josh makes me mad.... 

15 minutes later, Josh knock on the door 

Hey Dan 


Can i come in? 

Sure, come in 

Sorry if you and chris didn't go out 

It's ok, i know that she's busy.... 

Um, Josh are you going to kiss me....

Dan, can i kiss you 

What!!! Are you nuts, why are you going to kiss me? 


C'mon tell me, do you have a Crush on me.... 

I think so.... 

Wait a minute, Joshua Albert Garcia, are you Gay? 


hahahahaha, you're gay 

No i'm not 

Yes you are 


Ok, so if you're not gay, then kiss me 


Kiss me, you told me that you're not gay, so kiss me.... 

ok here goes.... 


Oh...What the F* just kiss me 

But you said to me.... 


10 days later.... 

Dan i can kiss you again





16 days later.... ok so 16 days is over....see you really soon..... 










The End 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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