Chapter 18: Old Ways

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Quavious POV

I pulled out my key walking to the front door with Royalty behind me. We had a delayed flight and we were tired! I just wanted to shower and sleep..

I unlocked the door walking inside turning on the lights too see the whole place trashed!! I felt a wave of anger take over me while I sat my bags to the side

"What the fuck happened?!"

"Stay down here!" I warned going upstairs to our room and it looked worser than the rest of the house and on top of that some of our shit was missing! I quickly went downstairs and saw Royalty on the phone talking with the police I'm assuming

I leaned against the wall trying to calm down! I closed my eyes trying not to go back into my old ways but it's obvious a nigga couldn't be nice no mo'

"Police are on their way and so is the boys" She sighed

"I want you too stay with Set tonight..."

"What? Why?"

"Cuz I need to handle something" I went upstairs with her following close behind me

"Like what? Please don't tell me your about to go and do something stupid Qua!" She yelled

"Royalty I'm tired of people fucking wit me! Wit us.. it's clear as hell this new Qua ain't working" I chuckled

"New Qua?"

"Yeah.. imma have to go back to being that old nigga from the nawf side"

I walked in the closet changing my clothing putting on all black walking out too see Royal still standing in the same spot as before with tears in her eyes

"You said you was done wit that life"

"Wit what life? Being a dealer or killer?"

"All of it!" She yelled

"I'm not going back to being a dealer I'm keeping my promise on that but in order to live peacefully I gotta take these niggas out"

"Quaaa.. please.. what if you get hurt? You have a child now you can't just go out and make stupid decisions"

"So me protecting my family is a stupid decision?" I raised my brow

"I didn't say that?" She sighed

"Yeah... don't wait up" I walked out

I didn't want to leave her but I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to have a peaceful life! I mean... am I wrong?

Royalty POV

I watched while Set talked with the cops I didn't really wanna talk to anybody I had my mind on Qua I already knew he was out looking for Zay since she's the only person that could have possibly done it

I sighed thinking about the past of what Qua used to be...

It was another restless night without Qua I couldn't take it anymore! He was always out selling or lookin for people that did him wrong and honestly I worried so much! Anything could go wrong with him being out there

I got going into the bathroom standing at the counter looking at myself in the mirror. I had sleep and stress written all over my face.. I splashed water on my face grabbing a towel drying my hands and face. I heard shuffling in my room I quickly walked out to see Qua coming in through the window with sweat covering his face and blood on his hands and clothes

"Are you okay?!" I lifted his shirt checking for any wounds

"I'm straight... them niggas set us up" He panted. "I just need a shower" He walked into the bathroom turning on the shower

"Quavo, you gotta stop this! Have you actually thought about you could lose your life over this.. leaving the people that love you in pain"

"Baby you know I'm trynna give both of us a better life! I don't want us sticking around here all our lives.. remember all those places we wanted to go, things we wanted to do.. and our dream house. I want to make all that shit happen for you" He looked me dead in my eyes

"All of that shit wouldn't mean nothing without you" I felt a tear roll down my cheek

"Babe..." he sighed

He removed his shirt bringing me closer to him rubbing my back softly

"Please just stop... for me"

"I can't babygirl.. I can't"

I cried even harder clinging onto him even tighter! I didn't want to lose him behind stupid shit but I can't make him stop unfortunately

"I love you so much Qua"

"I love you too, but no matter what happens to me I want you too be happy and enjoy life and find somebody that can treat you a lot better than I am" He kissed my head

"Qua, nobody else can treat me the way you can.. I don't nobody else but you"

"Ro!" Take yelled snapping me out my thoughts


"Unc back and where's that hard drive we left over here yesterday?"

"In the studio where y'all left it" I said in a duh tone

"Nooo it ain't! We looked" Set walked in

"Muthafuckas stole my shit" Qua mumbled walking in even more pissed off than before

"Well nothing was on it but beats right?"

"No! Half of the songs we been working on for the second album was on that shit!"

I sighed loudly running my fingers through my hair

"Uhmm.. can y'all give us a minute?" I looked at Take n Set

"Yea" They nodded walking out

I walked over to Qua sitting on the counter pulling him between my legs. I pecked repeatedly till he gave me a small smile

"I know Zay bitch ass did it"

"She wouldn't be smart enough to pull this off alone" I shook my head

"So what you sayin.. she had help?" He raised his brow

"Obviously she did!"

"But I'm still on the fact they stole our damn shit!! And my fuckin' music! I worked hard on that shit and for what? Nothin'"

I couldn't even lie Qua was fine ass hell when he was pissed off! The way his eyes would turn a darker shade of brown, the way his veins would pop out the side of his neck and his voice just topped it all off

"I know, but we'll get it back.. I'm pretty sure whoever got it won't know how to work it"

"It ain't hard Ro.. all you have to do is plug it in and the files will pop up" He explained

"Were talking about Zay.." I laughed a little

"Right" He chuckled lightly laying his head on my chest wrapping his arms around my waist. "You think everything will be straight?"

"It will, but you can't be going out and putting yourself in harms way" I took his dreads out the ponytail they was in playing with them

"I won't after this.. once this shit is ova wit I ain't going back to that lifestyle"

"Promise?" I looked down at his face

"I promise" He kissed my neck laying his head back on my chest.

I hope he keeps his promise!

I know this sucks!! I've been working on this chapter for two days and I'm just now finishing it😩 anyway give me all your thoughts!! Especially on Qua going back to his old ways! Let me know what y'all thinking

Royalty // Quavo&India IIWhere stories live. Discover now