Chapter 1 - Science

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Hey guys! So this is my first x reader, excuse the cringe. If you didn't already know, none of my stories have lemon or anything so don't worry bout that if you don't like it! Hope you guys enjoy! Also! This takes place after Civil War, and as if they all just kind of got back together. So, not canon to Infinity War.

•Slow Updates•

Things to know:
(Y/N) - your name
(L/N) -last name
(H/C) -hair colour
(H/L) -hair length
(E/C)- eye colour
(F/F)- favourite food
(F/C)-favourite colour
(F/S)-favourite song
(F/A) -favourite artist (music wise)
(F/N)- friends name
Also! Since nobody knows you are Tony Stark's daughter, your fake last name is your real last name!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

You sat in science class, daydreaming, about what it would be like if anyone knew you were Tony Stark's daughter,

"Ms. (L/N)!" Your science teacher, Mr. Jones cut off your thoughts, you looked up as everyone in the class stared at you, how long have I been daydreaming?! You think, but before you finish your thought, Mr. Jones cut you off again,

"Well? Do you have the answer to question three?" He cocked an eyebrow, impatiently expecting an answer. Your eyes darted down the page in front of you, until you finally came upon your answer, which was right, you found school easy, seeing as you had the Stark genes in you.

"Low air pressure." You murmur, as his look shifts from frustration to surprise.

"Correct, can anyone tell me why?" Almost as soon as he asked, the person sitting next to you raised his hand, you looked over at him. "Yes, Peter?" Mr. Jones seemed satisfied with Peter's answer, and got back to teaching the class. You payed attention this time.

"I have an assignment. You'll be working in partners," some moaned and some cheered, eyeing their friends, "your table partners." He said flatly, as more people moaned. You were working with one of the smartest people in your class, you were happy. The bell rang shortly after, everyone picked up their books, walking out.

"We should probably get together to work on our project.." Peter suggested,

"Guess so, where should we go?" You ask,

"We can go to my house, if you want." He suggested, you nodded.

"Sounds good!" You reply.

"Cya after school then?" He confirms as you both walk out of class.

"See you then." You reply.

(Time skip brought to you by Panic! At The Disco!)

School was finally over, you have to admit you were looking forward to working on Science with Peter. You scurried to get all your stuff in your locker, and pulled out your science binder. You got to the front of the school as fast as you could. Peter came soon after.

"Hey!" He greeted you,

"Hi Peter!" You smiled,

"Ready to go?" He asked, you nodded and set off to his apartment.

"So... where do you live?" You ask, trying not to make things awkward,

"Oh, the apartments near the café down the street!" He answered, "I live there with my Aunt."

"Cool!" you reply, smiling.

     "Do you live around here?" He asked. You froze.

"I Uh- Yeah! Not too far from here.. I'll have to show you some time!" You realized what you just said, it was a big mistake. He caught you stuttering.

"Hey (Y/N), you ok?" He looked at you with concern is his eyes,

"Course!" You reply, nodding.

Before you even noticed, you had arrived at Peter Parker's house!

"This is it!" He smiled down at you, being just a little taller. Well, maybe more that a little. He opened the door for you. You nodded thank you, and stepped inside. His Aunt walked over to you two.

"Hey Pete!" She smiled, and her eyes shifted over to you, then back to Peter, "who's this?" She asked,

"This is (Y/N)!" He exclaimed, gesturing towards you. "We're doing a science project together." She looked back over to you, holding out her hand, you shook it humbly.

"Hi! I'm Peter's Aunt, May!" She cheered happily, you smiled,

"Hello!"'you replied, before Peter started speaking again,

"We're gonna go work on our project,"

"Ok! Have fun you two!" She smiled before Peter took you to his room, to work on your project.

It took quite a while, you still weren't finished.

(Time Skip!)

At about five o'clock, your phone started ringing, you looked at the callers ID. It was your dad, Tony Stark. Shit. You think, remembering you forgot to tell him you were working on a science project.

"I just have to take this real quick! Sorry!" You stood up, and walked to the corner of his small room, and answered the phone.

"Hello?" You start,

"Where are you?" He demands,

"I'm working on a science project at a classmates house,"


"Peter," you pause, "Parker." He tried not to act surprised on the other side of the phone,

"Alright, just call me next time kiddo." He sighs,

"Cya dad!" You say goodbye, before hanging up, and walking back over to Peter.

"I should probably head home, sorry Peter!" You say, grabbing your bag.

"That's alright! See you tomorrow?"

"See you then." He replied. You walked out the front door, waving goodbye to May on your way.

She's A Stark (Peter Parker/Spider-Man X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora