Chapter 2 - Secrets

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You arrived back in the Avengers Tower, still smiling about Peter Parker. As you walked into the living room, all of the Avengers were there. Steve, your Dad, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Bruce, Sam, Rhodes, and Thor. Their heads turned to face you as you walked in. You gave a small wave.

"Hi guys!" You smile,

"Hey (Y/N)!" Wanda and Natasha say,

"Hello (Y/N)!" Thor greets you happily, the rest of them welcome you back in a similar manner, and you walk over to your room, plopping yourself on your desk chair. You couldn't stop thinking about Peter Parker.

Time skip brought to you by oxygen

     Later that night, you decided to climb to the roof of the Avengers Tower, to look at the view of the city. You also went up there to think. There were a lot of things you thought about while you sat on the roof. Like, what Peter thought of you, what things would be like if you weren't a Stark. Letting out a sharp exhale, you looked up at the night sky. You stared at the sky, until you were interrupted by noise. You looked over to the door, to see your Dad. You stayed in your spot, he'd already seen you anyways. Tony Stark walked over to you.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing up here?" He asked,

"Just looking at the stars," You reply, looking over to him. "Why'd ya come up here?" You question,

"Friday told me you were up here. Plus, I have to go out of town tomorrow and I wanted to say goodbye." You stood up.

      "Oh. Ok. Have fun. Love you." You fake smiled, he smiled as well.

     "Love you too. Now, Cmon. Get off of the roof."  He led you down stairs, and to your room.

The Next Day

It was finally Friday. It felt like it took forever. Unfortunately, the day took forever to go by. Except for science. You and Peter worked on your project, and handed it in. You just spent the rest of the class talking to each-other. The bell rang,

"(Y/N)! Wait! Can I have your number?" He asks, a little shy.

     "Of course! But you better text me later!" You say, joking about the last part. You handed him a piece of paper.

"Thanks! I'll text you after school!" He replied, as he walked out of the classroom. The rest of your day was pretty good.

     To make it even better, when you got home, nobody was there. So you blasted your favourite music. You basically screamed every word. It just so happened "DONTTRUSTME" by 3OH!3 was on, you were still screaming the words of course. But, as if on cue to your swears, Steve walked in. Bucky was with him, but nobody else. You didn't notice until your music shut off,

     "Language!!" He nearly yelled as you jumped, un prepared. You yelped a little, as you turned to face them.

"Steve, why do you always do that?!" You ask, heart still racing.

      "Because everyone needs to watch their language!" He replied, you gave him a flat expression,

"Well then. Nice to see you, I mean, even though you shut off my music and yelled "Language"." You looked at Bucky, "Hey!" You smiled,

"Hello." Bucky replied.

      "Well, I was gonna go to the café, see you both later!" You grabbed your (F/C) coat, as you walked out the door.

      "Bye (Y/N)!" Steve waved to you, and you waved back as you walked to the café. It was about 7:00 when you got there, and since it was fall, the sun set earlier. It was already dark out, which you loved. The city was always beautiful at night.

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