My Frens Are Weird

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My frens say some weird crap and I thought I would share it with you guys.

A Fren:

"I'm a hoe for Jesus!"

"I find feet unusually attractive."

" I wish I was a turtle. I like turtles."

" No, don't worry about me. I'll be here in the corner, reading books, and thinking about how disappointing I am."

"I would play the good mom here, but honestly, I'm afraid of you."

*Sighs* "Wakey Wakey, vegetables and sadness."

Another Fren:

*Sees me walk away from a boy*  "He is lonely! Now go to him and kiss!"

Me: *Pokes her cheek*  Her: *winks* "Kinky!"

*Does a double chin* "Hey there, fren."

Assorted frens:

*Squats* "#SWEG!"

*Doing Math HW* "Do I know what I'm doing? No, no I do not."

Me: *falls over* Her: "You're doing amazing, sweetie!"

"I wrote a new song!" *Bangs hands on piano, screams*

*Runs in the rain* "I feel so alive!*

*Winks* " I have no idea what's going on!" *Jazz hands*

*Makes chicken noises*

"No I don't want to hug you! Who even does that anymore?"

"I heard you were suicidal. Have a pickle!"

A bonus quote, from me:

*Throwing apples* "EAT OVARIES, YOU PUNKS!"

I hope you find me and my frens hilarious, because we think we are.

Have a good day.


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