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Saw a buncha drabble prompts online. Not sure about how they're gonna turn out, but it's fun :P

I suck at angst though.


 I notice more than you think I do. 

 The way you smile and wave at everyone else but barely turn your head when I call out your name. How you smile dims ever so slightly whenever I contribute to a group conversation. You act like you don't see me in social places and always find a way to avoid me.

At a time, we were close.

 You used to find me in crowds with an excited look in your eyes, yelling greetings or inside jokes. Before, our talks were filled with raucous laughter and ridiculous comments. We always strolled through crowds arm in arm, singing loudly and off-pitch, laughing at the world.

You've changed, so much.

 You don't flaunt your eccentricity anymore, it's buried in there somewhere, with the dead shadow of my old best friend. Tolerance is the most affection you have for me now, along with any of your old interests. That old bright smile rarely comes out, and never around me.

 Whenever I pass you or see you in the distance, I don't acknowledge it. I only mutter hushed accusations in your wake.

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