About Time.....

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"Krissa! Krissa sit up!" Liz shouted startling Krissa.

Krissa sat up shake her head from falling asleep.

"Gosh girl you need to quit falling asleep at lunch!" Eleanor said taking a bite from her pizza.

"Well I'm sorry! But I went to sleep really late last night!" Krissa said trying to wake up.

"Well not a good way start the last day of school!" Mitchell said sitting down.

"Oh my god! I forgot what day it was!!!" Krissa said putting her head back down.

"Well you need to eat so-- Krissa cut Danielle off

"OH MY GOD!!! THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT IS IN 2 DAYS!!!" Krissa said jumping up in excitement.

"Oh my gosh it is!!! How could we forget?!?" Danielle said putting her piece of Pizza down.

"Shit, we still have alot to do before we go!!!" Krissa said with a crazed look on her face.

"OK we will go to your house today and finish TODAY!" Eleanor said to calm down Krissa.

"OK good we have to finish today though or we won't make it in time!" Krissa said making sure all the girls heard her.

They all nodded finishing lunch then going on their way.



All the girls were rushing finishing their shirts.

Krissa had, had a nap so she was in a better mood.

"OK the shirts are done! What to make next?!" Eleanor asked.

" Signs! But they have to look a little alike so that they know that we are in a group, together." Krissa said grabbing the White posters.

Each one of them would have their own signs that said "MRS.________ OVER HERE!" the blank would their favorites.

"Ok well how about I write it then you can decorate your own to make it yours, but it will look the same with my handwriting." Danielle Explained.

"OK good! And you have nice handwriting anyways!" Krissa said. Danielle laughed.

"OK good. Just give me time to make them!" Danielle said sitting down pulling out the markers.

"OK well I'm hungry lets get a snack." Krissa said walking the girls into the kitchen.

Krissa pulled out leftover pizza and heated it up.

"Ya know even though we had Pizza for lunch today I could still have some!" Krissa said with the girls agreeing.

Krissa pulled out leftover pizza and heated it up.

"I still can't believe that schools out already!" Krissa said pulling the pizza out of the microwave.

"SCHOOLS OUT FOREVER!" Mitchell said walking into Krissas house.


"Oh my god once again you are singing songs from 'them'! " Mitchell said making a face.

"Yep and will till the day we die!" Krissa added in.

Mitchell rolled his eyes and walked over and got a piece of pizza.

They were all eating when Danielle ran in "OH MY GOD ONE DIRECTIONS ON THE NEWS!!!" She shouted.

All the girls dropped their pizza and ran into the living room pushing Mitchell around.

He rolled his eyes. "You girls are craz--- "SSHHHHHH!" The girls all said at once.

They had their eyes glued to the TV.

" One Direction landed back in London the other day to finish their up all night tour."

The girls squealed in excitement.

"We just want to give a massive thank you to all the fans who have stayed with us and went to our concerts we would be no where without you guys! Really just thank you!" Liam said into the camera.

The girls just scremed fangirling.

Mitchell rolled his eyes and sat down not caring one bit about what was on the TV.

"And WE LOVE YOU!!!" All the boys said blowing kisses.

"WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!" The girls screamed at the TV.

Once again leaving Mitchell rolling his eyes.

"They sold out in their Last concert here in London."

The girls screamed know that they would be at that sold out concert.

"And they have a bit of a surprise for the fans for it being their last concert."

The girls just looked at each other not having a clue.

"I guess we will find out later! Good luck to fans going! You never know what the boys have up their sleeves!"

The girls just looked at each other trying to think of what mite happen.

"I have no clue?!?" Danielle said looking confused.

"OK I'm out!" Mitchell said getting up out of his chair.

"I'll let you girls do yo thang! See ya tomorrow!" Mitchell said closing the door behind him.

The girls barly moved still trying to find out what the "surprise" was.

"Oh well! We will find put very soon! Oh and I finished the posters!" Danielle said winking then holding up the posters.

"PERFECT!!!" Krissa said with all the girls running up to them.

Krissa had Mrs.Styles Liz had Mrs.Horan Danielle had Mrs.Payne and Eleanor had Mrs.Tomlinson and they had Mrs.Malik if they met a fan and became friends.

The girls went on finishing up their posters. "OK we are done! And you have all the other stuff right! Krissa?!" Eleanor said with everyone looking at Krissa.

"Yes, yes I do its all in my room!" Krissa said talking about 1D bracelets, necklaces and shorts(bottems) they have made before.

"OK good! I'm so ready for this!" Danielle said.

All the girls nodded agreeing.

"Hell to the yes!!! Aren't we al!?! More ready than ever!!!" Krissa said with all the girls grinning like crazy.

Come on keep on reading!

Thanks!!! Your Cute and I'll see ya when I see ya!

-Beth XXX <3


Eenie Meenie, Miney Mo ( A One Direction Fanfic) ♥Where stories live. Discover now