I remember

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I remember when I first seen ya mama, I use to dream of mama even when I was in the womb, I seen her in Spirit as she preparing my room, as I walked out the tomb, She looked at me and Said I was a special One, I was as Light as the Afrikaan Sun, Her smile was a bright as The Moon Light Shining Bright, I remember Swimming in the Ocean Of Her Tummy, I remember the radiance of the doctor's Place, I remember the Shining glow on my older Brother's face, but, now let's go back a Bit More, I remember Seeing the Face of the Creator Being in the presence of a Power greater, remembering the power in which I was endowed, my Hair was like wool formed from the Clouds, I was made to shine, as a shrine for the Mentally blind, I was clothed in love, arrayed in nudeness, I remembering hearing my mama sing to me, it was like Universal Music, now I'm gone ask you, do you remember your first view, do you remember being one with every hue, do you see the interweaving of connections of multi dimensional perceptions, do you Remember heaven, before being birth in this Hell, do ya Remembah walking down the pure gold trail, do ya remember the celestial smell, just think about it for a second, and Focus the beauty of awareness on your Eternal I Am That I am Presence, then you will remember that you are Universal Essence,Truth, Love, Harmony, Light, You are the Very Rite that they hid from your Sight, You are the Peace of a Husband, with the healing of a Wife, you are Royalty, You are Radiant in your nature so Divine, Remember your place of Ori-Gen before time, before space, Before any of this existed, and Remember You Are the places that you dream about beyond this Matrix, You Are Mystic, You Are Vivid, you Are Lucid, you are Everything, you are the very Band Of Adoration that adorns the symbolic sketch of a wedding ring, you are the Very spiritual song they sing, in many toungues, you are multi dimensional and You are the Supreme One before the days of age that was spun, you are the root of Universal Truth, your heart beat is the Drum of Kinetic Energy, you are Eternalistic Cosmic Memories

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