Inheritance and family

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I woke up from pain in my back I couldn't help but scream and I started to cry.
Tom's POV
I was down in the living room explaining what happened when I heard screaming from up stairs. Severus quickly stud up but I pulled him down "he needs to do it alone" I said he just glared at me. After the screaming stopped I made my way upstairs to Hadrian's room.

Hadrian's PoV
I heard my door open I see farther walking towards me and I ran to him crying. "It's alright you have come into your inheritance" farther said "can I see" I ask. Farther nodded and summoned a mirror. I had two large wings one white with black hearts and one black with white hearts (the image at the top). "Wow... there pretty" I said in awe "your beautiful my son" farther said "can I fly" I asked "no, not for a couple of weeks" farther said "oh ok" I said "let's show the others" farther said I nodded. We walk to the living room. I kept my head down as we walked in the room farther cleared his throat and I heard gasps from everyone "Hadrian" I heard Severus say I feel someone lift my chin up. I see Severus in front of me he was smiling "your wings are pretty" he said. I tried to look down but his hand was still under my chin. "Thanks" I mutter I turn to look at farther "come on let's meet the family" he said.
*time skip (I'm lazy and everyone meet each other)
Until next time bye
Charlie out
P.s I'm tired sorry if it rubbish hope you enjoyed it

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