part five - dealing

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no, not drug dealing ;), i mean dealing with relationships, loss, friends, fakes, snakes, see what i did there;), and just everything.

breakups. theyre hard. but its even harder if you dont move on. just think about it. you werent really going to get married were you? everything good has a bad ending and you might not even realize it but you might have exited something toxic. just get over them and move on. life is about heartbreak and pain. you'll move on. (i just realized how mean this paragraph sounded i am so sorry 😂)

fake best friends. so i recently (like 2 days ago) found out that my #1 best friend since 4th grade has been spreading rumors about me. and do you know what i did? cut her off. because she apparently was ranting about me and stuff all the time blah blah. ik i said not to share all your business but liSTEN. im just saying this so you know, i knew we werent going to be best friends forever. you and your best friend most likely wont either no matter how much you think you will, you will probably go separate ways. so if theyre talking about you once, talk to them, but if theyre saying something horrible like spreading rumors more than once, just drop them. i promise its not good to be in a relationship with people who dont actually trust or like you, or you thought you could trust but cant. its just freaking toxic. so drop. them.

and loss. loss of people is the hardest thing like ever. i know its not easy and almost everybody has dealt with it. please know you are not alone. especially as a teenager it will be more emotional losing somebody. it will stress you out more than anything. but know it does get better, even though everybody says that, i swear it gets better :)

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