The Party Begins (Chpt 1)

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You'd been best friends with Hana (D.VA) since the start of your school years. Always in the same classes and same sports clubs but with school coming to an end you feared you'd begin to see less and less of her. You reached into your pocket and unravelled the slip of paper given to you earlier,

Graduation Party. This Friday, 5 till late, School Outdoor Pool. All Graduates welcome.

You put the slip into your other hand and retrieved your phone from your pocket and began to text

Y/N: So, you gonna go to this party?

Hana: The pool party? Of course, and i expect to see you there too

Y/N: I'll go if you're going

Hana: See you there then

With that done you returned your phone to your pocket and headed home to get ready for tomorrow.

--Friday 4:40pm--

"Hey Y/N" cried Hana running towards you as you walked up the driveway towards the pool. When she reached you she opened her arms and hugged you tight as she always did, like she hadn't seen you in 4 weeks.

"Is everyone here?" you asked looking over her at the doors where everyone else was gathered.

"Yea, i think some people are already inside" she replied. She took your hand and ran back towards the pool with you in tow and after paying you headed your separate ways into the changing rooms. You were keen to try your new shorts as you hadn't worn them yet and they'd cost you a fortune so you hastily got changed and headed out onto the pool side. The air was warm wrapped around your legs as you glanced across the pool looking for Hana. After a while you assumed she was still inside and instead went for a drink before you swam. A small way away from the pool was a small cafe where you sat waiting for more people to emerge. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Hana and a group of girls leaving the changing room and meeting with some other friends before wandering towards you and the cafe for drinks.

It had been a while since you'd seen Hana in a bikini and it took you by surprise you couldn't help but stare at her curves, luckily she didn't notice you peeking at first. Suddenly she turned towards you and sat beside you on the bench.

"Hey. Nice shorts, they new?" she asked taking a sip of your drink

"Yea first time wearing them" you responded. Trying to take your mind of her to avoid awkward consequences you stood up and walked out towards the pool with some other friends of yours. As you were walking, Hana ran past you and brushed your shoulder on the way past. You heard one of your friends say how amazing her ass was. You couldn't help but agree however you kept your mouth shut and continued walking, eventually reaching the pool and jumping in.

Once you surfaced, you looked around for Hana and saw her at the other end of the pool facing away from you. You took this upon your self as an excuse to get close and so you dove under the water and began to swim towards her. Once you reached her you swam upwards letting your hands discreetly slide up her legs over her ass and up her back. Once you surfaced once again she spun around quickly to face you.

"Ah! Who the hell ju-" she said, pausing once she noticed it was you. She smiled at you.

"What happened?" You replied innocently, trying hard not to go red.

"Nothing, i just felt something rub my leg, must've been a beach ball or something" she lied, knowing it was you, and she knew exactly what you wanted and exactly what she needed to do.

A/N: Hey guys, this is the first chapter of my first story so i hope it's not too bad. For those looking for a more sour story, don't worry there's more to come but if you have any suggestions them please leave them for me to read. Thanks

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