Persona Thing + Fun Facts About Me

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How my persona/mascot looks like :

How my persona/mascot looks like :

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Yes they are a half furry.  Whatcha gonna do about it.

How I actually look like :

I am so hella lazy rn but not so fun facts

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I am so hella lazy rn but not so fun facts

I no longer write a 'real book'. I might write books like this,  random.

I am not that into anime anymore. I still watch it,  but I don't really get hyped about it.

Current fandom : Eddsworld, Voltron,  anything not anime. I am still into Ao no Exorsist though.

I have a YT channel,  but I usually just upload random stuff. I am currently trying to arrange my schedules and contents (username,  SSKAkihiko Animation. Gonna change it to pastelisticsem soon)

I am more active on IG though!  pastelisticsem like usual.

If you know my real name or something,  please don't say my real name on the net,  please use my screen name,  Sem.

I have panic attacks regularly and have major anxiety. No one knows. I know it can effect my health though. That's why I am always awkward if I am doing a video call.

I am friends with a lot of people from the net. Some are from overseas though mostly are Asian or British.

I usually shitpost.

I came out as genderqueer,  meaning that I consider myself a they/them. Or simply,  no specific gender. I take any pronounce though

You can call me he,  she,  they,  idc.

I sleep on 5AM and wake up on 9AM every weekends and school holidays.

I like to play the ukulele.

So yeah... Some are regarding of my health so oof-

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