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How do you decide whether you should or shouldn't do something? When your morals aren't helping, your feelings overwhelming and your brain running on overdrive. I couldn't elect a decision. I'd been contemplating for days and I couldn't choose. I was walking next to her and I asked

"How do you pick whether to join a group or to fight it? To lead or be lead?" She told me to do what I felt was right.

"I don't think anyone else will agree that what I believe is right, they're just not educated enough." She laughed. I always spoke like this. It was now or never, I knew that. I looked at her once again, her hazel eyes cheery, her smile bright, her voice airy and her curly black hair bouncing with each step. I took it all in as I held her palm with one hand and pulled the trigger with the other, making sure the death was instant and painless.

She crumpled to the ground as blood; wine red, poured from her. At least she didn't see me pull the trigger I thought as I crouched down next to her body. I hope she'll be happy now. I stood up and put on my game face, it's time to save the others.

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