Where Loyalties Lie

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  You run as fast as you can back to the Axel Central building, you practically flew up the the stairs. You come up to the door as it's closing, and run into it full force. You knocked over a crippled old man to the ground. 

"Dagnabbit!" The old man writhed. 

You attempt help the old the old man up, "I am so very sorry sir" you apologize. 

"Get off of me Dammit!" the grumpy old man swatted at your hands. 

"The hell are you doing blazing through the front door like that, the ball is over" the old man grumbled and patted himself off. 

"I left my pendant here on a table, have you seen it?" 

"If it was a diamond shaped necklace with some sort of embossing on it, some short brown haired fellow with a weird coat took off while the dance was going on" The man sighed. 

"That damned... Thank you sir" He thanked, then rushed out the door.

"Kids these days" The old man continued sweeping.


You paced down road, looking for the tracksuit boy, if not here you'd have to walk all the way to the guild hall. If you ended up losing that pendant you might as well not be apart of the royal family, you have to find it at all costs. 

After a while of walking, you decide to go home, and check the guild hall first thing tomorrow morning. You walk past an alley way, and hear some muttering voices. You walk backwards and see the weirdly clothed guy. Anger filled up inside you, because not only was he the thief who stole your pendant, but also decides to show his face in front of the girl he assaulted. 


"So? what do you say" The boy asks once again.

As soon as he finishes that statement, his face gets hit with what felt like a war hammer, and he stumbled into a wall. Aqua stands there with a shocked expression, and the boy groans as he rubs his face. 

"I warned you to stay away, and you decide to steal my pendant as well, I will show you to not take my words lightly" 

you walk over and look down with smoldering eyes. Kazuma spits out some blood, and gives you a blank expression not showing any cowardice. You grin a bit, and throw a jab towards the smug bastard, but stop just short of a blue flash. 

"(Y/N) stop this, he just apologized to me, and he said he found your pendant lying on the ground" the goddess pleaded. 

"Bullshit, he stole my necklace while we were dancing" You retorted. 

"Is that true Kazuma?" The goddess turned around and asked. 

"Of course not" Kazuma answered, still rubbing his face. 

"Besides, Why would forgive him for just apologizing, he doesn't deserve forgiveness" You scoffed. "That's not your decision to make" She argued. Kazuma looked at her surprised, she sounded a bit mature right there. Kazuma stood up, and extended his hand towards you. 

"Here you go man, no hard feelings" Kazuma offered. You snatch the pendant away, and grab Aqua's hand.

"Come on we're leaving". You feel her rip away her hand from your grasp, you look back in shock. 

"Kazuma asked me to come back with him, and I'm thinking of going" she huffed. 

You gave her a betrayed look, "But... why... This guy striked you with ill intent, a man is never to strike a woman" you argued. 

"I know... but he's my friend, and  I miss my friends back at the guild" she looked away.

"And what am I to you then?" You looked at her with hurt in your eyes. 

She didn't know how to answer that question, she knew she took a liking to you, but Aqua wasn't the most honest with her feelings. 

"You're a friend as well" She attempted to reassure you. 

A/N: Mega Yikes

You lost all fight within you, and looked towards the ground. "Yeah... friends... okay, Aqua I won't stop you". 

"See you around (Y/N)" Aqua mumbled, and turned the other way an started walking. 

You started heading the opposite way, and gave a deep sigh. You turn around for one last glimpse, but what you see made your blood boil. Kazuma gave a taunting grimace, triumph was apparent on his visage. You whipped around, and clenched your fists. That what this was all about, his victory... It was no use she had made her decision, and he was to respect it. 


He opened the door to his house, and threw his pendant to the side. He took off his suit, and threw on nightwear.  He plopped on his bed, face buried into his pillow. Thoughts of tonight filled his head, that couldn't be how she felt, all that they had done together, is that what only friends do? He decided not to ponder on it anymore, tomorrow would be another day.

A day without Aqua. 

Hey guys, I apologize for the LOOOOONNGG wait, It's been since like LAST September since I last updated. I just haven't had the urge to write in a while. Maybe it's school I don't know, but I'm done with the excuses, I apologize. 

I know the last chapter was extremely short, but that's because I thought that was a good ending point. One reason why I didn't publish it when I was done with it, because I thought ya'll would get mad at it being so short after a long wait, and then you would have to wait again. As well as the fact that this chapter is pretty much a direct continuation of the last chapter. 

And sorry you come back to chapters that may or may not infuriate you XD. 

Again leave me some feedback, I'd appreciate it. I love reading all of your comments, and don't worry, I don't get salty over criticism. 

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