Do I Wanna Know

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Have you got color in your cheeks?
Do you ever get that feelin' that you can't shift the tide
That sticks around like summat's in your teeth
Ah, there's some aces up your sleeve
Have you no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?

- Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys


"We are going to hang out tonight," was the first thing Brett said when he and Theo sat at the Gryffindor table where Liam Dunbar was eating with Mason Hewitt and Corey Bryant - who seemed to spend more time at the Gryffindor table then at their owns - were eating.

The three of them looked up, startled and surprised to see them at their table. It was rather unusual and a little weird to see Theo and Brett surrounded by people wearing red.

"What?" Liam looked at them confused.

"Don't ask me," Theo shrugged.

It had all been Brett's idea, Theo was just going with it since it was an excuse to go out and have some fun, even if it was with some reckless idiots.

"Since you've broken up with your girlfriend, I think you deserve an only boys night out; so, we are going to hang out," Brett said like it was final, not leaving any room for them to argue.

"What?" Corey asked.

Slytherins inviting then to go out with them? Especially Theo Taken and Brett Talbot? It was like a promise of trouble.

“We have a curfew,” Mason reminded.

"We know what we’re doing. Just trust us,” Brett winked.

“Meet us in the empty classroom on the seventh floor, try not to get caught.”

“Come on, Theo."

Theo laughed at the confused boys in front of him and then left the table with Brett. The feeling of leaving those two dumbfounded was almost as good as annoying them.

"You're really something, Brett," he shook his head.

"And you only figured that out now?" Brett smirked.


Theo and Brett were hiding in an empty classroom, waiting for Liam, Corey and Mason to get there.

"Do you think they will come?" Theo asked after ten minutes of waiting.

Theo was starting to doubt that the others would appear; why would they? They had never been friends, - hell, if there is something they never were it's friends, - so why would they want to hang out with them all of a sudden? Why did Theo and Brett and the other Slytherins want to hang out with them all of a sudden? Theo didn't know, and he thought that maybe he would never have the answer to that question, but he would keep hanging out with them, if they let him, because the time they had spent together had been a nice change.

"They will," Brett smirked. "We left then too curious."

"If you say so..." Theo took a gulp of his Butterbeer.

Five minutes after that, Liam and Corey opened the door and widened their eyes a little, when seeing Theo and Brett sitting at one of the tables. They really hadn't expected to see them there, a part of them thought that the Slytherins were just messing with them. With weary steps, they made their way inside the classroom and stopped in front of the two Slytherins. Theo wanted to laugh.

"Surprised to see us here?" Brett smirked.

"Can't say we aren't," Corey said cooly.

"You shouldn't be," Theo shrugged. "We said we would be here, didn't we?"

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