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"Are you gonna tell me now?" Hyunwoo asked once Gingerboy and him had gotten in his room after hanging at Spotlight for the whole day. The red haired had cheered up after getting to use Hoseok's skateboard for a while but now that they had gotten home Hyunwoo learned that his bad mood still remained.

"Dad threw all my shit out if you didn't already realize," Gingerboy set his things on the ground and dropped to sit next to them.

"For no reason?" Hyunwoo questioned and sat next to the younger. He took a piece of clothing and started to fold it - after laying in the backroom of Spotlight, they had already dried.

"I overslept," Gingerboy explained. He was staring at the pile but not making a move. Hyunwoo continued folding the clothes one by one.

"It's not your fault," Hyunwoo sighed, taking a hoodie that was still a bit damp. He folded it anyways, doing it slowly so the outcome would be as nice as possible.

"It's my phone's fault," Gingerboy took his poor excuse of a mobile out again and wiped the screen wish his palm. "I think it won't work for long because it got wet."

"I'll get you a new one if you need," Hyunwoo said after taking a look at the phone which had a completely shattered screen.

"Do you think I need your help?" Gingerboy suddenly snapped, turning his angry gaze to Hyunwoo.

"Do you not?"

"I don't. Stop fucking treating me like a kid. I can sort out my own shit," he was holding the other piece of his skateboard and Hyunwoo knew it would be slammed somewhere in no time.

"Ginger, I understand--" he started with a calm tone but couldn't get but was cut off by his presumption coming true and the skateboard coming in contact with the ground, making a loud bang.

"You don't understand shit!" Gingerboy straight up yelled. Hyunwoo was afraid he would start throwing more things so he grabbed the guy's wrists before anything else could happen.

"Calm down..." he said with a low voice. "You're not taking your medicine anymore, are you?"

"The fuck it matters to you. I can not take them if I want to," Gingerboy tried to pull his hands free but Hyunwoo remained still.

"I don't blame you. I just want to know," Hyunwoo slowly let go of him and stood up, taking the folded pile of clothes from the floor. "I want the best for you and if you feel better not taking medication then it's fine. I would highly appreciate it if you tried more but it's your decision." Hyunwoo himself thought that Gingerboy should absolutely keep taking his medication but considering the guy's current mindset, he just couldn't say that.

"Sorry..." Gingerboy muttered, looking down at his hands. Hyunwoo walked to a closet and put the clothes there.

"Sleep here again. We can go to your house and try to save your stuff tomorrow," Hyunwoo sighed and sat on his bed.

Gingerboy was about to move to his mattress but then decided to stand up instead. "I'mma go for a smoke." He walked out and Hyunwoo didn't follow him, realizing that it would be better to let the guy cool off himself and sort out his mind without distraction.

He came back only two minutes later, looking more pissed than he had been before. He dropped to sit on the mattress. Hyunwoo just lifted an eyebrow for him.

"I forgot I don't have smokes," Gingerboy said and pulled the blanket to cover his lower body. He was upset again and Hyunwoo felt bad for him.

"Do you want Red Bull?"

"How am I supposed to sleep if I drink that now? Do you have soju?"

"I'm not giving you alcohol."

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