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"I love you."

"Yeah? How am I supposed to believe that?" I stammer out. 

I am disgusted. I am hurt, and I cannot breathe. The fact that he would do this reaches down deep into the love that I thought I had for him and destroys it. 

"Baby, please don't do this. Don't let go of what we have."

"Had, Asher. Had. I can't even look at you right now."

"Then maybe.. maybe that's what you need to do," he says.


He grabs my chin and gently tilts it to gaze into his emerald green eyes.

"Look at me. I'm still me, Blake. I still love you more than anyone in the world. Please don't forget that, baby. Please."

I slowly turn my head away, but he coaxes me back into his gaze.

"R- remember the time that we were supposed to go to class? Remember? We were late, and we decided just not to go. Remember, love? We went down to that little stream off campus and we-"

"Just stop, Asher. Just stop. I can't."

"Can't what? Please, Blake, please."

"No. I can't forgive you. Not for this. Not again."

"So that's it then?" he asks, with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Yeah, babe. That's it, then," I say, a sadness lingering in my words.

"I really love you, Blake."

"Goodbye, Asher."

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