Haunted Hallways

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Today was a school day. Max wasn't sure he wanted to go but he had to. 

He decided to wear the red sweater Sally had given to him for his thirteenth birthday.

He headed to the kitchen for some breakfast and decided to have toast and an apple.

not the best but what else could he do?

He headed to school.

when he got to the schoolyard he heard "hey loser how's your retarded so-called missing sister?" the kid ho had always bugged him was named Micheal. 

"Shut the Fuck up! No wonder your girlfriend left you-you ARE a doucebag!" Max screamed at him.

"Aw is the wittle bwaby mwad???" Micheal taunted

"you son of a bi...."Max was just about to say but suddenly the bell rang. "you are so lucky, next time you won't be" threatened, Micheal.

It was only first period. Max thought to himself 'how am I going to make it through the day witho....' suddenly the lights in the school turned out! 

" Oh crap what happe...." the lights were back on but instead of hearing sighs of relief max heard nothing but silence.

 he looked out of his classroom and saw bloodied bodies lying on the floor! 

The only thing max heard was faint laughter at the end of the hall.

 He could not make out who the person was but the only thing he COULD see was the stranger was waering a black jacket and ....Red pants with the words (a name that he could not make out) and SHALL DIE in big bold letters, except the E in die was normaly written and not bold!

 Max thought to himself "who in the freakin' world would do such a thing and why did bad stuff happen to everyone around him when he was in different places??" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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