Chapter 13: All Good Things

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"So that's what it's been like?" Eiichi said.

"Yeah, the whole school is going nuts," Kotonoha said back.

"And they're saying what again?"

"They're calling us the 'dynamic duo'..."

"Ah man, they couldn't think of a better one?"

"Well I've heard 'the warrior couple', but that one sounds a little extreme to me."


They were lying on a bed next to each other in Eiichi's bedroom, with nothing but sheets to cover them, looking into each other's eyes.

"Yeah, I've even been called Katsura-sama a few times."

"Oh, I bet that didn't feel weird..."

"Yeah, they're calling you that too."

"Ah jeez..." he groaned.

Kotonoha laughed, "Get used to it 'Mr. Hero'. I've been taking the brunt of it while you've been living it up here."

"Getting ready for a...stampede of embarrassment and mixed emotions is what I'm getting ready for."

"Oh, everyone can't wait for you to get back."

"What've you been doing during lunch?"

"Oh, it's been great..." she sighed. "Instead of you, I have a group of people constantly asking me all sorts of questions."

"I guess they only mean well. We won't be able to get any alone time though."

"That's what after school is for, genius."

"Well, what about your committee club?"

"They really don't know how to approach me. They said I should just take the next two weeks off."

"Wow, we're getting time off all over the place."


He smoothed her bare shoulder.

"I've even received a few love confessions," Kotonoha smirked at him.

"Oh, nah, nah, don't tell me that."

"Why not? You've had the same."

"Y-Yeah, but..."

"Ya know, if you're going to take that attitude, I just might accept one."

"Oh, you know what, then I'll just stay over here," Eiichi scooted away.

"I was kidding! Don't take it that way."

", I'm just not gonna'," he crossed his arms and laid on his back, feigning disapproval.

Kotonoha laughed, "Come on, come on, I'm sorry."

"No, no..." he shook his head, trying not to smile.

"C'mon, get over here," she grabbed him by the arm and tugged, making him rock sideways.

"Mm-mm," still shaking his head, then he suddenly turned on her and reached for her sides.

"Ah!" she squirmed and laughed, "No tickling! You promised!"

There was more laughter and Eiichi scooted close to her while pulling her beautiful body up against him.

"Ow, ow, that was a mistake," he winced and pulled the covers up to look at the bandage over his abs.

"How's it healing?"

"Well, the doc says he'll take the stitches out in another two weeks. He said I've been in enough times he might as well put me on the roster as a 'regular'. Though with as much moving around that we've been doing, I'm hoping I don't pull one."

"Then I'll remember to be more careful."

They curled up together and continued trading gazes.

"Hey, do it again..." he whispered.

"Oh, I don't know..."

"Oh come on, it's not like I'm asking you to cook a meal."

"Hey, Torio has been teaching me a lot. I'm getting pretty good at it."

Eiichi chuckled, "Yeah, you are...walking into the house and seeing five bowls of uneaten udon wasn't weird at all." More laughter. "While you're in the kitchen working on a sixth!"

"Well, where do you want to go?"

"Surprise me..."

She looked at him a moment, took his hand in hers, pressed her forehead against his and shut her eyes tight. Eiichi thought he'd tell her one day that she didn't need to do this, but she was so cute when she did it. She probably will get angry and not talk to him for a while, but that's a price he was willing to pay.

-"Final Blu" by Sergio Altamura-

Eiichi closed his eyes and found himself standing next to Kotonoha. There was a large craggy mountain in front of them, covered in snow. The night sky was brightly lit with a full moon and stars shimmered everywhere. Their bare feet were buried in snow up to their calves. A deep forest hung further to their left, pine trees with a heavy coating of snow caked on to their boughs. To their right was a vast frozen lake and more forest beyond it. Just above the mountain was the aurora borealis, in wavy, lucid greens, blues and purples. It was cold, but neither of them shivered as they held hands. Off in the forest, starting low and raising high, a steady chorus of wolf howls began singing into the night air. Everything was steady and at peace.

Eiichi squeezed Kotonoha's hand.

They were back in his bedroom. Kotonoha could see Eiichi's eyes were glassy, a single tear escaped and ran down his cheek.

"The wolves were a nice touch...thank you..." he muttered.

"I know you like them..." she smiled.

"And now, you're going to be thanking me in about half an hour," he held her tight and began kissing her neck.

"Half an hour? You just came up with that?"

"Well, give or take. It could be longer if you don't make too many sounds, you know how that drives me crazy."

She laughed, "You're so lewd."

"Look who's talking, Lady Squealsalot."

There was another burst of laughter, followed by more kissing sounds.


AN: If you enjoyed this story, I wrote a sequel titled "The Heroes of Sakakino" that is a continuance of Kotonoha and Eiichi's relationship and their attempts at helping others while running into more trouble.

["End credit music" XP]

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