Chapter 10: Personal Space

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Isn't it a date? (~de geso)

The Ohara Sweets Shop and Cafe across the street from Sakakino was a lively retreat of relaxation for students to frequent on their Saturdays after school before beginning their weekend. Students on their work shifts busted tables, prepared drinks and managed transactions at the registers. Here and there, the occasional conversation would pick up between a waitress and friends from school.

The cafe itself was colorful in its own odd nature, peppy ads in bright greens and pinks were posted over backdrops of subtle, yet fitting brown shades. Upon entering through the main door, one would be greeted by a large line of students at the order counters, the various smells of ground and roasted coffee beans, and a rather energetic girl in a maid outfit to greet them. However, stepping to the right would bring one to a large seating area of patrons.

Roughly in the center of the room sat a straight, long booth that stretched nearly the whole length of the room, with light, predictably coffee brown cushioning for seating on both sides. On both sides as well, square tables were planted into the floor with exact spacing to seat two people so they could face the booth, four tables for each side. More students sat within this booth and joining seats, but near an empty table stood Kotonoha and Eiichi, while they pondered at it and discussed amongst themselves.

"So which do you think it should be? Girls on this side, guys on this side? Or should we go guy-girl, guy-girl?" Eiichi skipped his finger between the empty spaces.

"Well, it's their first time meeting here. I think we should have them facing each other, so girls-guys," Kotonoha gestured with a vertical hand.

"Okay, but I was thinking it might be better for them to be seated next to each other, so to initiate that contact."

"Mm-mm," she shook her head, "they need to be facing so they can talk and be able to see each other. If they're just sitting next to each other, it will be uncomfortable."

He pulled up one of the chairs, "There you go again, schooling me on how to be a good host."

She slid into the booth across from him, "It's just being practical."

"Here are your drinks," a young waitress with brown hair tied in loops approached the table and began setting them down while Kotonoha and Eiichi arranged them, "This one is your black coffee, this is the coffee with extra creamer and whip, and two springtime special lattes."

Her voice was cheery enough, but to make things a little dank, Eiichi could tell she recognized them, and the connections that made in her head were not in an uplifting pattern.

She tucked the tray under her arms, still with that patronizing smile, "Can I interest you in any of our delicious pastries or cakes?"

"Thank you, but that will be all," Kotonoha said.

The waitress bowed and left them to their conversation.

Eiichi hooked his arm over the back of his chair, and had been looking long after she left, "Do you recognize her?"

"She goes to our school. I don't believe I remember her all that well."

Eiichi continued to stare.

"What's wrong?" Koto leaned forward.

"It's sad," he returned to her, taking the cover all the way off of his cup, "it just seems no matter where I go, there's always someone that's been involved..."

"It's hard not to. I don't think that will go away until you graduate."

"One more reason for me to be happy I am..."

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