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Chapter 5

(Sonic's POV)

As Amy and the others sat and had lunch, I looked up in to the sky thinking about what everyone else was doing back home. "I wonder what Talls and the others are doing?" I was just about to take a nap when had a great idea. I got up and tapped Shadow on the sholder asked if he wanted to train alittle while everyone was eatting? "Sure why not, what you want to practice on?" said Shadow. "How about swordplay, we haven't had a duel in a while?" "Alright the loser have to babysitt Cream next time her mom go out." said Shadow. "YOUR ON!!!!" We got up and got out our practice swords. "Sonic what are you guys about to do?" asked Spike. "Were going to have a duel." I said. "A DUEL!!!" yelled Spike. "Are you guys going to be ok?" asked Twilight "They'll be find, its been awhile scenes they had one.It will be good for them to have a duel." said Amy. "Ok lets see how will win, Sonic or Shadow. This is going to be great!!!"yelled Pinkiepie.  Man that girl is hyperactive.

      Shadow and I got into our battle stance wating for Amy to say start. "Are you guys ready..............Begin!!!!!"

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