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Kookie wakes up at 6:00 am at her alarm. She goes down stairs to eat breakfast. She finishes eating and goes to change. Because her school has this stupid uniform policy, she put on a Navy blue shirt with some navy blue shorts.
Kookie: Bye ama*hugs mother*
Mom: Bye mija*hugs back*
20 minutes later
Windy: Kookie! Hey honey.
Kookie: Hey uni. You are never going to guess what happened yesterday.
Windy: What, what did you do?
Kookie: I hade a new friend with out any help from you or any of my other friends. Are you proud of me?
Windy: Yeah, who did you talk to?
Kookie: This boy named Grants Alejandro Porte. He is very nice and sweet.
Windy: OMG you met Grants already. I was going to introduce you to him today. I guess you beat me to it!
Kookie: Hold on what do you mean "introduce me to him". You know Grants?
Windy: Ummm, yeah I have known him for a while. He is like a brother to me.
Kookie: Oh, ok. So how much do you know about him.*Say with a sparkle in her eyes*
Windy: Well I know he has a brother. Kyle is his name, he is so sweet and caring. Grants can be very nice, sweet, loving, but if you hurt one of his friends he gets pissed. That is why I wanted to intoduce you to him back use I know how shy and scared around other people even if they are the sweetest person In the world.
Kookie: Did you think that he would hurt me if he didn't like me?
Windy: What? No its just you can get sensitive about things.
Kookie: hehe, oh yeah.* she says nervously
Grants: Hey guys. What ya been up to?
Kookie: HeyGrantsummmnothingjusttalkingtowindy*she says so fast as she starts to blush*
Windy: Um hun, you need to slow down a bit. Take a breath and talk slower, ok. (She chuckles at the expression on kookie face)
Kookie: what I tryed to say was, hey Grants, umm nothing just talking to Windy.
Grants: Hey Kookie can I give you a present real quick. (He says as he reaches for something in is bag)
Kookie: Ummm sure. OMG it's chocolate kisses. Oh Grants you didn't have to. (She goes up to him and kisses his cheek)
Grants blushes as he hug her.
Windy: Awwwww you guys should so get together. You are so cute.
Hey wattpad fam, I wanted to thank you for your support I have been going through some family problems and that is why I don't update a lot. Thank to those of you who even read my books that aren't even that good.
Bye week love ya'll

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