Teacher Seongwoo

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•ok so this boy would definitely be a drama teacher
•I mean have you seen his acting?
•like wOW 10/10
•anyways, he's a very chill teacher
•like his kids are super cool with him, they listen to what he says
•even the kids who are like the "problem" kids, respect him
•he makes up lame jokes during class always and the kids just laugh to make him smile
•he plans a bunch of cool projects and he never gives out any homework
•so how did you meet Mr. Ong?
•well you are the choir teacher
•and y'all share the same classroom bc the school doesn't really care about choir or drama ㅠㅠ
•anyways, you constantly come into the class during his classes because you have prep
•his classes are 1-4, yours are 5-7
•he sees you running around all the time
•and like during lunch, y'all just hang out and have a grand old time bc why not
•and sometimes if you're teaching and you don't know exactly how to phrase something, most likely he will come to your rescue and help you
•and like the kids ship you guys
•bc uh y'all have like chemistry
•buT Seongwoo lowkey has liked you since he first saw you
•but he gets vv blushy around you so!!!
•anyways, so you don't really know when you start liking him
•it was actually when you were teaching your class, and you had assigned kids duets, and they wanted you and Seongwoo to do a duet bc he was in the room
•and he was like '!!! No thANKS'
•you told him it would be fun
•and ofc he canT say no to you
•so you guys agree on the song
•and bc you're lowkey into disney, he picked a whole new world
•and so you guys sang
•and your heart was just mdksksk bc you actually felt something towards him??
•so anyways, after that all the kids just clapped and you looked down to the floor and Seongwoo was looking at you and saw you blushing???
•after that class ended, he went up to you, and so you just asked him if he wanted to get dinner later?
•ofc he said yes
•and so y'all went to dinner and enjoyed the dinner
•kisses your cheek after dinner
•let's just say now you guys are both helping each other in classes
•wanting the drama and choir kids to put on a play
•planning curriculum dates
•honestly I want a teacher!seongwoo the fuck

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