Chapter 1: December Sky

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Despite it being the beginning of autumn, the snippy air had not been portended. The grass still vibrant green, leaves not fallen, and the sun showing its rays to Japan gave all signs of warm weather. But it was anything but warm to me
Having moved from California, USA, the slightly more bitter weather was not the norm to me. And the sudden raise in social class was not even to be bothered with. So many things were wrong with it. It seemed illegal to even want to breathe without asking permission or announcing yourself. But I ignored this part of the change, what mattered to me is that my mother was happy. That's always been a priority for me.
But when she told me I'd be attending Ouran High School, I was not having it. I may have to be fancy and civil at all times, but I at-least wanted to attend a normal school. Not one filled with snotty stuck up rich folk who decide 'my father has more money than yours so I'm therefore better than you!' Not going to beat around the bush, it was a heated argument. But in the end I apologized and said I'd do my best and make her happy. That followed with a trip to get some groceries. Which I didn't see as important, but my mother was exuberant about living in Japan and experiencing the even most simple things. So when I couldn't find where the instant coffee was, I was not that happy that she left me alone to grab whatever I wanted.
"Where the hell could it be? It's shouldn't be that hard to find!" I had lightly said to myself.
"Um, excuse me? But can I help you find something?" A voice to my left spoke to me and I turned around to face it.
"Ah yes please! Where is the instant coffee?" I pleaded with the stranger.
The stranger had a strong feminine appearance despite being in all male clothes. With their short, shaggy brown hair and celestial brown eyes. They wore a blue short sleeve sweater and khaki shorts. They were cute, no denying it.
"Oh I'm just about to grab that. It's all the way down on the other side of the mart. Let me walk you there." Their eyes perked up and formed an 0 shaped mouth, surprised that we were both looking for the same thing.
"Thank you so much!" I gave a slight bow to show my thanks.
As we started to walk down the store to find the coffee, the stranger decided to make small talk.
"So, what school do you go to? You don't look that much older than me." They announced.
"I don't go to one at the moment. I just moved her from the USA so I'm taking a while to settle down. But I'm going to be attending Ouran High School. I'm a first year." I turned towards them as I followed them.
"That's awesome! I'm also at Ouran and a first year! My names Haruhi Fujioka, but call me Haruhi." The no longer stranger paused and looked at me with excitement as they gave a warm smile.
"Oh thank god! I thought I'd be all alone as a 'commoner' in Ouran. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you!" I laughed.
"Oh don't worry, we can stick together and be 'commoner' buddies!" Haruhi gave a chuckle and did finger annotations around the word commoner.
We walked into an isle and my eyes met with the instant coffee. I grabbed two boxes.
"Well Haruhi, I guess I'll see you at Ouran!" I turned towards Haruhi and gave a small wave good bye.
"See you later (Y/N)!"

The first day at Ouran was not that bad. I had my schedule, went to all my classes, and did well in them. Although I was disappointed I didn't see Haruhi anywhere. You'd think with being in the same year you'd spot them once or twice but nope. The only people in my year that struck a chord with me were a pair of pale orange haired twins. I only saw them here and there in a few of my classes, but never went out of my way to socialize with them.
However, my last hour was a free period. So I mostly walked around aimlessly, looking for maybe a quiet library for even hopefully a music room. But every single one was either filled, or noisy. With three library's you'd think you could find some peace and quiet.
However, I stumbled across get another music room.
'Won't complain if this one is empty though.' I thought to myself as I opened the doors to Music Room 3. The room, like all others, was decorated with pink and garnished with hints of gold and different shades of peach. But in the center of it all, lay something of the heavens to me.
A piano.
Walking in and closing the door slightly behind me, I drop my stuff by the corner of the door and make my way towards the musical instrument. I graze my hand over it, admiring the quality of it. It was very well made, and designed for performance no doubt. Elegant and classy.
I sat on the stool and opened the fall to reveal the keys. The shining white and matte black of notes were like a fresh koi pond to my weary eyes. I gave a warm smile as I placed my hands over the keys, and started playing.
A piano version of December Sky written and composed by Erik Morales filled the room completely. No empty space as the keys of a young child's  eyes brighten upon seeing a starry December Sky. My hands flow like the river and connect all the notes to all major oceans making one beautiful world of stars and skies. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music as best as I could while trying to play the memorized music.
And as the song came to a close, and I hit the last note, I heard a sound. Clapping.
I looked to where the noise came from and saw seven people in the door way of the music room. One of them being...Haruhi?
"That was amazing." A Little one spoke quietly as he clung to an older man with black hair.
"But just one question though." A slick black hair male stepped forth, his eyes like daggers in a battle.
"Who are you?"

End of Chapter 1

Thank you so much! I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one. I'll try and update whenever possible. Thank you once again.

Word count: 1120 in one sitting (go me!)

Musically Falling for This (An OHSHC x Reader story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant