(The first time meeting)

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There was a beautiful business women called (Altagracia Sandoval) that had a company called Sandoval's construction she had power and money and was the boss, everyone admires her because of  her beauty and her roughness.

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But no one knows about her past except her sister (Regina Sandoval) and her bodyguard (Braulio Padilla) her sister and her were raped 20 years ago by a squad/gang called "the monkeys"and thats why (Altagracia) had a heart of steel and she was stro...

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But no one knows about her past except her sister (Regina Sandoval) and her bodyguard (Braulio Padilla) her sister and her were raped 20 years ago by a squad/gang called "the monkeys"and thats why (Altagracia) had a heart of steel and she was strong because she wants to get revenge on what they did to her, and when they raped her they killed her parents and her boyfriend that sacrificed hisself just to protect her and her sister..


(Altagracia) had problems with an old man called (Jaime Aguirre) this old man has a son called (Saul Aguirre) and (Saul) is a lawyer he loves to give justice to innocent people and  he helps everyone and he is so kind,generous,handsome and everything a perfect man has..

(Altagracia) had problems with an old man called (Jaime Aguirre) this old man has a son called (Saul Aguirre) and (Saul) is a lawyer he loves to give justice to innocent people and  he helps everyone and he is so kind,generous,handsome and everyth...

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One day (Saul) was in a court defending a raped women that the judge was about to send to jail and they set the criminal free, by the way the women who got raped is called (Margarita).
"How could you arrest the victim and set free the criminal!" (Saul)
"We have enough whitenesses saying that (Margarita) is the criminal" (judge)
"let me show you the evidence your honor" (Saul)
(Saul) handed the judge evidence and the judge just discovered that the whitenesses that said (Margarita) was the criminal lied and the man that raped (Margarita) bought the people so they can whiteness that she was the criminal, after they set (Margarita) free and she was thanking (Saul) so much and (Margarita's) mother was so happy....

Later that day... (Saul's) father called him and told him...
J:Hi son.
S:Hey dad.
S:Whats up.
J:Saul i have bad news for you.
J:You know that lady.
S:who?....Oooh wait that one what is she called....
J:Altagracia Sandoval.
S:Yeah thats her. dad what did she do?
J:She is trying to take my tenement.
S:She can't do that it belongs to you.
J:I know but this women gets what she want by force.
S: ......
J:Son i want you to come and help me.
S:Sure dad i'll do anything for you.
Saul p.o.v :
I was going to another city and i gotta say i was a little afraid because Im gonna be surrounded by strangers and more than that i will miss my friends... 
i went to my dads tenement and went to his house my mom and dad welcomed me
and my girlfriend Oh! I didn't introduce you to here she is called (hemena) she's nice and she is a judge she is funny and i love her....me and my dad had a conversation..---->

Saul: Dad i need to meet this women i never saw her i need to talk to her!

Jaime: No son she is so dangerous you don't know what she's capable of.

Saul: Capable of doing what i can talk to her dad trust me she can't do anything to me.

Jaime: Saul Im gonna trust you please don't get in trouble with this woman.

Saul: Okay dad i will just talk to her and tell her to leave us alone.

after (Saul) saw on the news that (Altagracia) is gonna make a party to celebrate her marriage anniversary with her husband... Saul went to the party not telling anyone when he went in the party's entrance he saw everyone wearing a business suit so he went to a man and told him to give him the suit just for 10 minutes (Saul) paid the man 2.500 pesos then the man gave (Saul) the suit, after (Saul) got to the party and was asking people where is she....
after a few minutes he saw a woman going down the stairs then he followed her and yelled "Altagracia sandoval........ are you La Doña?" then (Altagracia) turned around......


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