act XI

121 9 3

They say you need to be careful when dancing with the devil.

But really I ask, what is the devil?

In what form does it present itself?

Does it have vessels running through it's skin and a heartbeat that beats erratically upon touch?

Does it have a voice that sends shivers down my spine?

Under the glare of the moonlight, does the devil dare to look up at the sky and fall in love with how glorious the night is?

Because when you pull me in close and whisper sweet nothings into my ear, I can feel the hair on the back of my neck rise.

I can dare feel something that didn't exist that's driving me to lunacy.

Does the devil have enough power to do so?

They say the devil, makes you do insane things.

Is it so insane that i've fallen for the prohibited? 

Fallen so hard that I have no care in the world as long as you're near enough for my fingertips to linger on your skin.

Loving you when I shouldn't is far more torturous.

In that case yes, I've danced with the devil.

That devil is you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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