chapter 3

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i headed back to the tree house, hoping Camaro would forgive me. but when i got arrived at the tree no one was there. there was just a "J" carved into the tree. i covered my mouth , and tears started to fill my eyes. then i heard a voice."GO.TO.SLEEP." said a voice behind me. i jumped in surprise.

"w-who are you?" I stampered." and what did you do to camaro?" the boy didnt answer. maybe i was just halonsinating. but i coulnt have, i mean felt someone breathe on my neck. so just to forget it, i leftand headed home. by the time i got there, it was dark. 

the street lights barely on. the wind and the wolves were howling. i really didnt want to be out long, so i started to run. then the same voice came back."GO.TO.SLEEP." i just kept runnng until i made it home, out of breath. i dont think i ever fan that much before.

About ten minuets later it started thundering and lighning. i walked upstairs to my room. my parents were alsleep, so they didnt hear me come in.

i layed down on my bed. i was to tired to change. i closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.


the shutters then started to shake. i got out of bed to close them. when a strange boy poked his head into the window.

"Hi-yah" said the boy.

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