Chapter 12

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They were in the bridal store with Parker's older sister Tessa. Valleri was having her final dress fitting before the weekend. She stood on the pedestal staring at herself in the mirror. She didn't belong up there, not right now; she was twenty three years old.  Was this how Mommy had felt before she married Daddy? Had she really wanted to? Or was Valleri following too closely in her footsteps?

Valleri could see Tessa watching her in the mirror and turned around.


"You don't want to marry my brother do you?"

"What tipped you off?" Valleri asked stepping off the pedestal. Mrs Morgan had gone to take care of something, leaving the girls alone.

She shrugged. "You don't look happy"

"I'm not" she said sitting next to Tess folding her hands in her lap

"Then why do this to yourself?"

"I don't have a choice Tess, Daddy gave David and I both an ultimatum. That way he gets what he wants"

"Will David be at the rehearsal dinner tonight?"

"I don't know" she shrugged. "It depends on how Daddy feels, If he wants to rub it in that he "won" then probably"


She sighed. "Daddy and David have had a silent on-going feud, they have for a while, so by marrying Parker, I won't be with David so Daddy wins"

"I'm sorry Valleri, really"

Valleri scratched her forehead. "Yeah"

She sighed, picking at the sequence on her dress. Then, out of nowhere she was hit with a flurry of emotions. She burst into tears covering her face with her hands.

Tessa wrapped her in a hug and rocked her back and forth.

"Don't cry Valleri

Valleri looked up at her wiping her eyes. "It's not fair Tess; David is the best thing to happen to me, ever. Why does Daddy always have to take that away?"

"He's just protecting you"

"No, he's controlling me. If Daddy doesn't have control, he has nothing."

The next evening came far too quickly for Valleri's liking. The house was buzzing with activity, people had been coming in and out all day setting up tables and moving furniture. Organizing chaos; Valleri stood in her bedroom, the sun setting behind the clouds as she pulled on the gown she'd chosen to wear for the rehearsal dinner. It was a halter red satin gown she'd worn for one of Daddy's Christmas parties a few years ago. She paired it with strappy red sandals that would be a danger later in the evening if she had her way with the alcohol. She piled her hair in a messy bun and decided to wear no makeup, save for the bit of cover up under her eye to cover her yellowing bruise.

The house had started to fill with guests, fortunately she didn't see Parker anywhere, unfortunately, she didn't see David either.

She made her way to the kitchen and found herself a glass of wine. She hated wine, but anything with alcohol was fine by her tonight.


She turned to see Daddy coming her way with a huge smile on his face, he was enjoying this way too much.  He swept his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"You look absolutely stunning Princess"

Valleri just rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say Daddy"

"Aren't you happy? It's the night before you're to be married"

"No" she said flatly.

"Valleri" he said with a tone of warning. "Don't spoil this evening."

"Why? Don't you want a crack at my other ribs?" She asked looking up at him over her glass, taking a drink of her wine

she watched his eyes darken but he said nothing just led her through the kitchen to the parlour. She looked around surveying the guests, noticing that Parker was indeed her.  Damn, she was hoping he'd forgotten, but still no David.

"Are Mrs Jones and David coming?" She asked as Daddy led her across the parlour to where Parker and his father stood.

"They were invited"

That gave her a glimmer of hope. Though she expected nothing less of Daddy, if he had a chance to rub David's nose in anything he was going to take it. Especially if it meant he couldn't have Valleri.

"Hello Valleri" Mr Morgan smiled.

"Sir" she nodded

"What's this "sir" nonsense, call me Dad"

"I'd really rather not"

Parker walked to her side and took her hand. She just glared at him, but didn't pull away, she didn't need Daddy anymore mad than he already was.

"Should we make the rounds then?" Parker asked as his arm took the place of Daddy's across her back. She said nothing but let him lead her along.

She sighed irritated as she realized exactly who Parker was headed for; David and his mom.

David noticed them first, he and Parker giving each other a look of distaste. David's mom just smiled, but Valleri knew her well enough to know it was nothing more than one of politeness.

"Mrs Jones, this is Parker Morgan." She paused. "My....fiancé"

Valleri introduced Parker, even though she already knew who he was, and it was no secret to anyone how Valleri really felt about the man.

 Mrs Jones had said how she'd just come to wish them congratulations but she couldn't stay. The three of them watched as she left the parlour before turning their attention back to each other. They said nothing more just went their opposite ways.

After saying hellos to another three or four guests Valleri excused herself. She turned out of Parker's hold on her and walked towards the main doors of the parlour, she was going to avoid talking to anyone else as long as possible. She could feel Daddy staring after her but didn't turn around.  Walking down the hallway the sounds of the party drifted further and further away.

Valleri took a deep breath closing her eyes. She was running out of time, she still hadn't figured out how to get out of marrying that pompous prick tomorrow.  She was so absorbed in her own thoughts she hadn't realized someone was behind her until a hand clamped over her mouth. She took in a sharp breath through her nose as the wine glass slipped from her hand and shattered on the marble floor.

She felt a pair of lips press against the shell of her ear, and she shivered involuntarily.


"Walk" he whispered, when he spoke she felt the butterflies flutter in the pit of her stomach and did as he said. His other hand resting gently on her hip, he steered her towards the library.

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