September rose

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It was on a sunny day of May when her phone ringed. She answered the call and a familiar voice greeted her.

"Hey," he said softly.


"So, um-" he paused, "what are you up to?"

"Oh, same old." She replied.



"What's the tittle?"

"September rose."

"What's it about?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Well, roses don't grow in September,"

"I'm fully aware about that."

"Okay fine," she sighed, "September rose is about a young love relationship happening-"

"Can you stop writting cliché bullshit?" He interrupted her.

"Shush! I'm not finished yet,"

"Fine," He sighed.

"September rose is about a young love relationship happening and it's not working because it's not the right time," she laughed, "get it? Because they're growing at fall and roses just... died."




"Are you still there?"





"" He said unsurely.

"Like us." She said surely.

The call disconnected, leaving her with an uncomfortable silence.

It was on a sunny day of May when she realized that she shot a hole through his chest with an ugly truth.


Hey there! I'm back with another fanfiction. Although there are a lot of my work that's on hold, but I feel like I need to publish something new for you guys that's been waiting.

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you guys will like this one.

I will be rarely updating my works, including this one because i'm at 12th grade and i'm preparing to go to college. Hopefully, I will be working on weekends to finish all of them.

Thank you so much for waiting.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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