At My Best. ~Austin~

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"Hey guys?" You called out to the group of guys sitting on the sofa watching 'The Bachelor'.

"Yeah, Y/N? Ooh, Are you coming to watch?" Nick asked turning his to you with eyes that seemed to want to return to the TV.

"No... Have you seen Austin? I've been trying to call him all day and he isn't picking up so I  just came over to check on him..." You said meekly. Brandon gasped at the tv before finally noticing your presence.

"Oh! Hey Y/N, If you're looking for Austin he might be in his room." He said before grabbing the pack of chips fro Zion, who in turn looked to you with an annoyed expression from being chip snatched.

"Please fix your boy, he's been sulking since last night about God knows what. When we tried to talk to him he just started shouting. He had a meltdown, one worse than the occasional Nick meltdown." Zion whispered the last part in effort to avoid backlash from Nick but got a slap on the back of his head from Nick.

"Okay, thanks by the way and tell me what happens later!" You shouted as you walked towards Austin's room. The door was closed and the only sound coming from inside was the song at my best by Machine Gun Kelly. You knocked softly and awaited permission to get in. You heard a groan and took it as an invitation opening the door slowly.

"Whoever it is get out! I'm not in the mood for your motivational shit because you have no idea what's going on." He shouted before even seeing it was you. The minute his eyes landed on your body they lit up slightly and he lifted his head off the pillow it had been rested upon. It was as if he had never imagined you'd come to visit him or maybe he was just happy it wasn't the guys.

"Does that include me?" You asked sweetly and his eyes darkened slightly as he laid his head back on the pillow below him. You stood by the door frame and admired your boyfriend silently, the way his hair landed gracefully onto the pillow and his eyelashes combed the bags beneath his eyes. You stared in awe and thought about how someone who was in so much pain could still manage to look so incredible and at that moment you realized how lucky you actually were to have someone like Austin in your life.

"Are you gonna just stand there and stare or are you gonna come and join me?" He asked in a condescending tone and you were taken aback by it but you gathered yourself and assumed it was just because he was upset. You closed the door and took of your shoes before hopping onto the bed and lying beside the blonde haired boy who was staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Hey..." You whispered nervously, unsure about how to approach the situation correctly. He turned his head slightly to send you a bothered eye roll and went back to staring at the ceiling.

"Hey? That's how you wanna start this discussion?" He asked sounding shocked and maybe even angry but you just sighed and continued talking.

"I don't know what to do... And maybe I don't know what to do because Idon't now what's wrong..." You said as your voice cracked with concern.

"I didn't think you would come... I thought the guys would've been the ones to fix this." He said dismissing your 'suave' request.

"Why'd you think that?" You asked innocently. He turned his head completely and looked you in the eyes as he whispered words that were laced with such sadness and vulnerability that it could broken down a military instructor.

"Because, I thought you were already sick of me. That you were ready to leave me like everybody else in my life did." His eyes began to water as he turned away from you and turned back to the ceiling.

"What? Is that what this is about?" You asked with shock and brought your head up from the bed.

"I don't know what this about. I have been thinking for the last few days and maybe it's best if you leave me." He sat up on the bed as well.

"No... I'm not going to do that."

"You should... I think that for the next few weeks that I'm going to be unbearable and maybe the next few months." He said as he got off the bed and walked to the window.

"More than you already are? Cause it's gonna be hard to the beat the way you are being right now." You scoffed out at him and got up to stand behind him.

"Y/N... My mom... She..." He stopped halfway as he chocked on the tears that rolled down his cheeks. You grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around into your chest. He whimpered and you shushed into his ears while patting his back.

"It's okay. Whatever happened, it's gonna be okay." You whispered into his ears and he sniffed before letting go of you and facing you.

"3 days ago, my mom called..."He paused and sucked in a breath and you nodded. "She told me that... She was going to get a scan..."He looked into your eyes and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but nodded for him to continue. "She might have breast cancer..." He finally let out before breaking into tears again. You sighed in sympathy and dragged him back to you.

"Listen, might means that there is an even greater chance that she doesn't have it and even if she does that's not the end of the world. There are treatments for this and she is quite healthy so helping her probably won't be hard." You said trying to hold back the sobs within you as well. Even though the two of you hadn't been together that long you knew how amazing Austin's mother was and how much she meant to him.

"You don't get it. The thought of losing her is what scares me because without her I don't know who I am. I can't go a day without hearing her voice, without knowing that she is gonna call me and tell me about whatever it is that I'm missing in North Carolina. My mom is the one thing in my life that is always constant, she is the only routine in my life that never changes and I'm afraid to lose that. She is the reason I am here today, if it weren't for her I wouldn't have come out here and been a part of this band, I wouldn't have such great friends, I wouldn't be having a new adventure everyday and most of all... I never would have met you."  He latched onto your hand and laced your fingers together as he said the last part.

"She isn't the only constant thing in your life. Every day I call you in the morning and greet you, you guys do a live stream at lunch and Edwin makes eggs, Brandon and Zion go around the house screaming "Did someone say hype!?", Nick punches that wall by the backyard every morning and you take a lap around the pool for good luck. This house and these people are your constants too, you need to learn to give into the fact that life goes on. I'm not telling you to give up on your mom's health but I'm telling you to embrace every moment you have with her and the rest of people that make you happy." You stroked his shoulder softly and he smiled.

"Thank you, not for the speech or for coming over... Thank you for being with me at my worst." He hugged you once more.

"I wanted to, the guys called me and demanded that I come and talk to you because they knew you wouldn't tell them anything." You said with a chuckle and he made a fake shocked face.

"Yeah, I had no faith that they could help me whatsoever." He said and the two of you laughed.

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